user with security_admin role has the "password reset field" enabled all the timeIssue You have to give a user with the role "security_admin". This user has the same privileges are you elevating your role from an "admin" to a "security admin". Now the problem is, ever since this security_admin role is given to the user, the "password reset field" is not getting disabled even after resetting the password for the first time. As a result, this user is unable to login to the instance from the second time.CauseThis is related to PRB1492023ResolutionAs a workaround try the following (worked for a couple of users, but may not work all the time as it's not confirmed yet): 1) Have a 2nd user with the admin/security_admin role2) Use the 2nd user to remove the security_admin role3) Change the password on the user you want to change (now that it is only an admin & not a security admin)4) Use the 2nd user to add the security_admin role back to the first user