Compare Boolean Type Blank Variable in Flow Designer If ConditionIn Flow Designer, when dealing with a boolean variable (true/false or yes/no) in an if condition, there are scenarios where it may return as blank. This can occur from various sources such as action outputs, flow variables, or catalog variables (none). When comparing this blank boolean variable with false/no, based on its observed behavior over time, it should be evaluated as true. Here are the scenarios outlining the current behavior of the blank boolean variable: Evaluated Ascomparing with false / nocomparing with true / yesAction output true/false variable but not set truefalseAction output true/false variable and set to empty string in script steptruefalseAction output true/false variable and set to null in script stepfalsefalseCatalog variable yes/no and set to nonetrue falseFlow variable true/false but not settruefalse