Software Asset Workspace - 'Top 5 publishers true-up cost' widget locking filter on Publishers view on License usage tab.DescriptionSoftware Asset Workspace - 'Top 5 publishers true-up cost' widget locking filter on Publishers view on License usage tab.Steps to Reproduce 1. Navigate to Software Asset Workspace --> Software Asset Overview --> select any Publisher on "Top 5 publishers true-up cost" widget2. It redirects you to "License Usage" tab, 'Publishers' view and displays filtered Publisher that you clicked.3. This filter stays on the 'Publishers" view (License Usage tab). Even if we refresh/reload the tab or go to other parts of workspace and come back to License Usage tab, there will be only one publisher visible with no possibility of seeing other publishers or changing this filter.WorkaroundThis can be fixed by going back to 'Software asset overview' and refreshing the pageRelated Problem: PRB1717748