Completed Change Risk Assessment UI action is not visible if the Change Risk Assessment definition no longer matches the Change RequestDescriptionCompleted Change Risk Assessment UI action is not visible if the Change Risk Assessment definition no longer matches the Change Request. However it should always be possible to view the latest completed Risk Assessment via the UI Action: Completed Change Risk Assessment, even if the Risk Assessment definition does not match the Change Request.Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a normal Change Request2. Complete a risk assessment3. progress the change to state: scheduledexpected: can see UI Action: Completed Risk Assessmentactual: cannot see UI Action: Completed Risk AssessmentWorkaroundModify Script Include: ChangeRiskAsmt sysId: 884c5254d7233200532c24837e61032c Add function: _getAsmtInstancesByTaskId: function(taskId, state, matchingAsmtSysIds) { state = this._isAsmtComplete(state) ? this.COMPLETE : this.INCOMPLETE; if (this._log.atLevel(global.GSLog.DEBUG)) this._log.debug("[_getAsmtInstancesByTaskId] taskId: " + taskId + " state: " + state); if (!taskId) return []; var asmtInstances = []; var gr = new GlideRecord(this.ASMT_INSTANCE); gr.addQuery("task_id", taskId); if (matchingAsmtSysIds) gr.addQuery("metric_type", "IN", matchingAsmtSysIds); if (state === this.COMPLETE) gr.addQuery("state", this.COMPLETE); else gr.addQuery("state", this.NOT, this.COMPLETE); gr.addQuery("metric_type.sys_class_name", this.CHANGE_RISK_ASMT); gr.orderByDesc("sys_created_on"); gr.query(); if (this._log.atLevel(global.GSLog.DEBUG)) this._log.debug("[_getAsmtInstancesByTaskId] encodedQuery: " + gr.getEncodedQuery()); while ( asmtInstances.push(gr.getUniqueValue()); if (this._log.atLevel(global.GSLog.DEBUG)) this._log.debug("[_getAsmtInstancesByTaskId] " + state + " assessment instances: " + asmtInstances.length + "" + JSON.stringify(asmtInstances)); return asmtInstances; },Related Problem: PRB1714904