Multi Scan functionality in "Scan Multiple Parts" and "Scan Remove Multiple Parts" functionsUse this KB article to configure grouped input for multiple scans. Field Service Management provides Scan Multiple Parts and Scan Remove Multiple Parts functions Out of the Box. Both of these functions are used to perform asset usage/removal on the Work order task by scanning the asset tags of the asset. Both of these functions are present as overflow actions in the Use Part/Remove part screens on the Work order task Parts tab. Make sure the Work order task to be in work in progress state to see these functions. Scan Multiple Parts: 1. This function is used to record asset usage on a work order task by scanning multiple asset tags on an asset. 2. This action item for this function is my_inventory_use_multiple_parts[/] takes the multi scan input using the Multiple_scan_part variable. In the above Snippet of code, Multiple_scan_part[index]["Scan Asset Tag"] gives the asset tag details of the asset scanned using Grouped input. 3. Each scanned input is sent to FSMMultiPartsScan.multiplePartsScan to record asset usage. 4. To perform asset usage, the asset should be in In Stock/Available or In stock/Reserved status. Scan Remove Multiple Parts: 1. This function is used to record asset removal on a work order task by scanning multiple asset tags on an asset. 2. This action item for this function is my_inventory_remove_multiple_parts[/] takes the multi scan input using the Multiple_scan_remove_part variable. In the above Snippet of code, Multiple_scan_remove_part[index]["Scan Asset Tag"] gives the asset tag details of the asset scanned using Grouped input. 3. Each scanned input is sent to FSMMultiPartsScan.multiplePartsScan to record asset removal. 4. To perform asset removal, the asset should be in use or Consumed substate.