SG- Intune Software data source is failing with "Cannot read property "import_set_table" from undefined (sys_data_source.4f74428377a1101077b2234468106167.data_loader; line 28)" error after instance updateIssue Service Graph Connector for Microsoft Intune 2.3.0 SG- Intune Software data source is failing with (Cannot read property "import_set_table" from undefined (sys_data_source.4f74428377a1101077b2234468106167.data_loader; line 28)) after instance update when performing Test Load 20 Records STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Open Service Graph Intune SG- Intune Software data source Test Load 20 Records from Related LinksActual Results: TypeError: Cannot find function getMessage in object TypeError: Cannot read property "import_set_table" from undefined. (sys_data_source.4f74428377a1101077b2234468106167.data_loader; line 28) ReleaseService Graph Connector for Microsoft Intune 2.3.0CauseThe Data Loader code for the SG-Intune Software Data Source is different in the latest versions.ResolutionRevert the SG-Intune Software Data Source to the updated, out-of-the-box version. (if the Data Source had been customized prior to the instance update, it may need to be re-customized after the Data Souce has been updated to the later version)