AI Search 'Suggestion' and 'Recently viewed' navigation not working as expected after upgrade to UP7 and VP2DescriptionAfter upgrading to Vancouver Patch 2 or Utah Patch 7, AI search will show below issues - 1. The 'Suggestion' navigation in the AI Search on the portal opens the record in form view AI Search Results Action. 2. On the Portal, Clicking on the 'Recently viewed' record navigates to an invalid url.Steps to Reproduce Issue 1: 'Recently viewed' navigation1. Open /esc portal2. Enter some search input like apple, email and select an entry from the "Recently Viewed" items. Result: 'sys_id=undefined' is appended to the URL and it doesn't navigate to the record. Issue 2: 'Search Suggestion' navigation1. Open EVAM definition for ESC portal2. Make sure there are more than 1 EVAM view config for a table with different order (eg: kb_knowledge or sc_cat_item). And, each view config should have a different declarative action assigned to it.3. Create only 1 AI Search Result Action for the table with declarative action of the EVAM view config (from step 2) with the least order. 4. Open /esc portal5. Enter a search input and select a KB or catalog search suggestion result. Expected: It opens the record as per the AI Search Result Action config.Actual: It opens the record in form page.WorkaroundPlease follow the steps to apply the workaround that will update the Script Include "SPSearchResultActions" and will provide the relief.1. Users should have "admin" role to perform below action.Import file (sys_script_include_a375ded977131010e46abe41a9106124_updated.xml) This file will update the Script Include "SPSearchResultActions". 2. To ensure you will receive updates to this Script Include in the future without the need to evaluate a Skipped Change during Upgrade, you can perform the following: Navigate to https://<your_instancename_here> this record "Replace On Upgrade" value to "true". You may need to add this field to the list view or form to modify it. Or you can delete this entry from the sys_update_xml table. Related Problem: PRB1707587