Scheduled Job "SAM - Refresh Zoom Integration Subscriptions" fails with error [Cannot read property "message" from undefined]DescriptionCreate Integration Profile using Integration Type "Zoom" in Direct Integration Profile of Software Asset Management. The corresponding Scheduled Job "SAM - Refresh Zoom Integration Subscriptions" of this Integration Profile runs once a day.By running this job, Zoom User Subscription [samp_sw_subscription] is updated to the latest state.If any user has been deleted from the zoom admin portal by the time the flow completes, the Job fails with the message "Cannot read property "message" from undefined".Steps to Reproduce 1. Run Scheduled Job "SAM - Refresh Zoom Integration Subscriptions" and confirm it succeeds.2. Remove a user from ZOOM admin portal3. Run Scheduled Job "SAM - Refresh Zoom Integration Subscriptions" and confirm it fails with the error above.WorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix. Meanwhile, as a workaround please apply update set based on the version of sn_sam_saas_int installed on the customer instance to resolve the issue. If the customer has version 11.x.x installed, please apply the below update set: PRB1702647_fix_V11.1.2.xml If the customer has version 12.x.x installed, please apply the below update set: PRB1702647_fix_V120.6.xml If the customer has version 13.0.3 installed, please apply the below update set: PRB1702647_V13.0.3.xml Related Problem: PRB1702647