SAP - ITAM Product - Connection failed troubleshooting and other SAP common error detailsDescriptionCommon SAP Errors or issues and their troubleshooting points. 1) Servicenow SAP Test connection link is failing with error - "Request failed with response : SAMSoapHandler: Unable to generate SOAP function for SOAP Message..." Workaround/Solution: There can be different reason for this error. All possible reasons are mentioned below - WSDL is not generated by following technical documentation. Go to documentation attached at KB0813999 - section "Create a WSDL for your SAP service definition" - step 8 - service name filed must be NOW_SAMP. If generated SOAP message function name having any prefix other than ZNOW_SAMP that means step 8 is not followed. Multiple mid servers are present in the ecc_agent table, and right Mid server is not selected - Please follow KB1122513 for how to set mid server. Specified mid server through which all SAP requests are reaching to SAP system is not whitelisted by customer for their targeted SAP system. Make sure with customer that mid server is whitelisted. WSDL on the sap connection is not valid. To check the validity customer can open that WSDL in their internal network, provide credentials and see if it is responding with output or not. DNS mapping is missing to resolve the IP used in the WDSL. Confirm with customer and add the right dns mapping. SAP system is taking long to respond back and hence connection time out. Increase mid server response waiting time. Follow KB0696865. 2) SAP client is not received as active from SAP system to Servicenow (in the table 'samp_sap_client') for a SAP connection. Workaround/Solution: 1) Go to SAP system and run the /NOW/SAMP_RFC_DETAILS RFC program.2) Select required Servicenow RFC connection.3) Click on "Saved to Servicenow RFC List" and then click on "Test RFC Connection". RFC Connection column must have a green tick now. Note: make sure selected theme is "Blue Crystal theme" in the SAP GUI option. Follow documentation steps of section "Select SAP clients to import data in your ServiceNow instance" in the page 10 (screenshot of RFC List also present in the doc for reference) - KB0813999Release or EnvironmentSupported for Rome, Sandiego, Tokyo and later releases.