Using restricted mode within the Duplicate CI RemediatorWhen remediating a de-duplication task with the Duplicate CI Remediator, the User Interface (UI) may time-out while gathering large counts of items related to the duplicate CIs of the de-duplication task. When this time-out occurs, the UI is blocked and the user is unable to move forward with the remediation process. A workaround is available, set the glide.duplicate_ci_remediator.enable_restricted_mode system property to true to enable the option to remediate in restricted mode, meaning without fetching the related item counts. Users will see the following changes when using the Duplicate CI Remediator in restricted mode: 1. The remediation box shows the additional option "Use Duplicate CI Remediator (Restricted Mode)". Using this option, the users will see the following changes to the Duplicate CI Remediator steps. 2. "Select Main CI" step, a "Most Related Items" recommendation is not displayed, and the "Related Items" column with counts is not displayed. 3. "Merge Attribute Values" step, no change. 4. "Merge Relationships" step, no change. 5. "Merge Related Items" step, all related tables and references are displayed, related counts are not displayed. 6. "Duplicate CI Actions" step, no change. 7. "Review and Confirm" step, the value "N/A" is displayed instead of the related item count. Tip: In step 5, manually select the related items to merge without the aid of counts. Note: Showing the restricted mode option is intended to remain disabled as it restricts the utility of the Duplicate CI Remediator. When facing UI time-outs on a remediation task, the property may be enabled to complete the remediation task without fetching the related item counts. After the task is remediated, the restricted mode system property can be disabled again.