Financial Services - Insurance Claim Core (2.4.0) version : Participant Role table unique indexDescription Table Participant Role [sn_ins_claim_participant] extends from the table Related Party [sn_customerservice_related_party]. Related Party [sn_customerservice_related_party] table has a business rule named 'Avoid duplicate record creation' which prevents adding a duplicate record on a given Case with same Party Config & Party Name. In this business rule uniqueness check is performed on a composite value of columns : case_record, party_name and party_config. Moreover, this uniqueness also exist on the table Related Party via unique index. Customers for Insurance Claim Core, Personal Claims or Commercial Claims must: Deactivate the Avoid duplicate record creation business rule or add a condition to BR so that it does not executeRemove the index on Related Party table Customer who don't do this, system will not allow to add same Participant Roles on a Case. For an instance, some of the roles we delivered for the Participant Role [sn_ins_claim_participant] are: Injured partyInsured vehicle driverInsured vehicle passengerWitness Customers will not be able to create multiple Insured vehicle passenger, Injured parties, Witnesses and so on. Customers can create only one of each role on a case. Ideally there could be multiple injured people, passengers or witnesses. Steps to Reproduce There are different ways possible to encounter this problem. One of the way to reproduce this issue is: Go to CSM/FSM Configurable WorkspaceCreate a Personal auto claim case or Commercial auto claim caseIn the playbook for activity Incident details, fill out the information and click mark completeFor the activity Claim participant, create two participantsClick on activity Injury incidentCreate an injury incident for one of the participant created in step 4 and saveCreate an injury incident for other participantSystem will throw an error saying 'The case is already available for the user' Solution Customers must do two thing: Deactivate the BR or add a condition on a BR so that it does not executeRemove the index on Related Party table Business rule Go to business rules list on a platform view Search Avoid duplicate record creation on a table Related Party [sn_customerservice_related_party]Remove active flag or add condition so that this business rule does not get executed Unique index Please create a customer case to delete the unique index named as party_config on sn_customerservice_related_party. How to Verify? Perform steps to reproduce and system should not throw an error. Customer should be able add multiple injury incidents or any other OOTB provided roles associated with claim participants on a case.