MID Server Windows MSI installer fails Test Your Connection when the instance/user is set up for WS-SecurityDescriptionWhen an instance is set to use WS-Security, the MID Server "MSI" installer can't get past the connection test, and will be unable to install. Once installed using the ZIP file, it does log in without a problem.Steps to Reproduce set system property glide.soap.require_ws_security=truecreate a MID Server user, with mid_server role, internal_integration_user=true, web_service_access_only=trueOn a Windows server, download and run the MSI installer (confirmed with Vancouver Patch 1)Enter URL, and this new username/password, then click Test Your Connection Expected behaviour:Connection tested successfully. Actual behaviour:User cannot be authenticated or is missing the proper roles. Instance localhost appnode logs will show the error 2023-09-18 01:17:22 (106) API_INT-thread-2 6A7FD8E28795311015DB84880CBB35F6 txid=ae7fd8e2f660 TableAccessPolicy not found for 'MIDServerCheck', using default public policy2023-09-18 01:17:22 (107) API_INT-thread-2 6A7FD8E28795311015DB84880CBB35F6 txid=ae7fd8e2f660 *** Start #11856 /MIDServerCheck.do, user: miduser2023-09-18 01:17:22 (446) API_INT-thread-2 6A7FD8E28795311015DB84880CBB35F6 txid=ae7fd8e2f660 WARNING *** WARNING *** SOAP Fault: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><SOAP-ENV:Header/><SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault><faultcode>wsse:InvalidSecurity</faultcode><faultstring>An error was discovered processing the WS-Security header</faultstring><detail>Soap request not Signed. Policy requires signing</detail></SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>2023-09-18 01:17:22 (447) API_INT-thread-2 6A7FD8E28795311015DB84880CBB35F6 txid=ae7fd8e2f660 User agent with HTTP/1.1 and no encoding: null2023-09-18 01:17:22 (448) API_INT-thread-2 6A7FD8E28795311015DB84880CBB35F6 txid=ae7fd8e2f660 tx_pattern_hash=-301212094 *** End #11856 /MIDServerCheck.do, user: miduser, total time: 0:00:00.387, processing time: 0:00:00.387, CPU time: 0:00:00.325, SQL time: 0:00:00.016 (count: 32), Cache build time: 0:00:00.007, source: 10.x.x.x, type: soap, origin scope: global , method:MIDServerCheck.do?SOAP, api_name:SOAP APIs, resource:/MIDServerCheck.do, user_id:001ecc1adbe36600343ab34ffe96194b, response_status:500 set system property glide.soap.require_ws_security=falseEnter URL, and this new username/password, then click Test Your Connection It works, and allows it to install and start. Set system property glide.soap.require_ws_security=trueRestart the MID Server It works, but only after you are able to install it.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. Subscribe to this Known Error article to receive notifications when more information will be available. The workarounds are: Temporarily set system property glide.soap.require_ws_security=false while installingDownload the Zip file package instead and do a manual install.Related Problem: PRB1702682