Flow Designer throws errors with the message: "Operation failed with error: com.snc.process_flow.exception.OpException: Response size exceeds limit, allowed :5242880 actual size:"DescriptionFlow Designer throws errors with the message like : "Operation failed with error: com.snc.process_flow.exception.OpException: Response size exceeds limit, allowed :5242880 actual size: " Release or EnvironmentService Graph Connector for AWS v2.2 or newerCauseThis issue comes due to the response size limitation of Flow Designer request action. By default, the system limits the size of REST responses that are not saved as attachments to 5 MB. The maximum allowable response size limit is 10MB(1024), which can be set by setting the system property - glide.pf.rest.response_payload_max_size Reference documentation here That being said, in case of SG-AWS, some users may get a response limit of more than 10MB. Typically, large response size occurs in the case of SG-AWS-Software-Inventory data source. ResolutionIn order to fix this, you can do the following: 1. Increase the Flow Designer maximum allowable response size limit to 10MB(10240). This can be done by setting the following value in Global Scope: glide.pf.rest.response_payload_max_size value. More details on how to do this can be found in this KB article 2. Reduce the batch size for the rest API, so that the response sizes are smaller. In order to do this, you will have to create one of the following system properties based on your setup in the Service Graph Connector for AWS scope. The default for both of them is 100. We suggest that you test reducing this value in increments, based on your use case. For example, if you get are getting a response close to 18MB, we suggest you reduce this value to 50 and retry. a. If using AWS Config Aggregator: sn_aws_integ.ssm_managed_instance_inventory_batch_get_aggregate_resource_config_batch_size b. If not using AWS Config Aggregator, sn_aws_integ.ssm_managed_instance_inventory_batch_get_resource_config_batch_size Note: Please note that these properties should be created with "Type" as 'integer'