Regarding the Validation of field 「Scheduled publish date」 of Knowledge ArticlesIssue A validation for the field "Scheduled publish date" for a Knowledge record has been added in the Utah releaseCausePRB1600082 was raised to address the issue that a past date in the "Scheduled publish date" field could be entered in a Knowledge article. With this PRB fix, a business rule named "Validate Scheduled publish date" and client script named "Validate Scheduled publish date" was added. However, when a date within 24 hours is entered in the field "Scheduled publish date", the newly added scripts would return an error stating "The Scheduled Publish Date must be set at least 24 hr after the current date."ResolutionIn order to be able to set a date within 24 hours to the current date for the "Scheduled publish date" field in a Knowledge article, the business rule "Validate Scheduled publish date" and client script "Validate Scheduled publish date" must be deactivated. However, keep in mind that deactivating the scripts will enable users to enter past dates in the Knowledge article for the field "Scheduled publish date". Business RuleINSTANCE/ scriptINSTANCE/ Note: There is 1 pattern where you will not be able to set a date within 24 hours even if the business rule and the client script are inactive.If you edit the Scheduled publish date and immediately click on Publish, another date check will be performed and you will not be able to publish the article. If you edit "Scheduled publish date", please save the article before trying to publish it.