Cannot see multirow variable sets (MRVS) in 'Create Catalog Task' action or Get Catalog Variables in Flow DesignerDescriptionCannot see multirow variable sets (MRVS) in 'Create Catalog Task' action or Get Catalog Variables in Flow Designer Missing MRVS variable in Flow Designer actionsCauseThe sys_hub_action_input records of type "Slush Bucket" for "Get Catalog Variables" and "Create Catalog Task" weren't updated properly, because it was customized or there were sys_update_xml records for these records.Resolution1. Go to the sys_hub_action_input records of type "Slush Bucket" for "Get Catalog Variables" or "Create Catalog Task". (https:/{instance_name} 2. Go to one of the individual records, click on the three dash(burger icon) next to the back icon on the top menu bar. Click Configure, and select Form layout. Add Attributes to the "Selected section" and save it. 3. Once you see the Attributes field, set the attributes to the following string: "source_table=item_option_new,use_flow_designer_wrapper=true,,include_multirow_variablesets=true,is_flatten_variables_needed=false,script=wf_variables()". This is the expected attribute for Tokyo Patch 9 Hotfix 2a. If in another version, compare the attribute to the out-of-box (OOB) version or demo instance.This should solve the issue. To make sure that the actions are updated properly during the future updates, please delete the records in the sys_update_xml