NLU Model's Workbench Homepage does not show any models post upgrading to the latest version of NLU Workbench - Advanced Features 7.0.5DescriptionUpon upgrading NLU Workbench - Advanced Features plugin to the latest version - 7.0.5, the system does not display any NLU models on the workbench homepage. When the issue surfaces, the NLU homepage may render as per below for users with admin or nlu_admin roles: Same works as expected in NLU Workbench - Advanced Features plugin's 6.2.2 version.Steps to Reproduce --> Login to any of the instances in Utah or lower versions.--> Go to plugins and search for NLU Workbench - Advanced Features and upgrade it to the latest version 7.0.5--> Now go to NLU Workbench>Models module to open the NLU Models homepage in Workbench. Expected: Available NLU Models are displayed on the homepage Actual: For NLU Admin or Admin users: NLU Workbench does not return any results and instead see message 'No data to display'For Maint users: NLU Workbench does not return any results and instead see message 'You do not have permissions to access this page'WorkaroundThis issue is not reproducible in Vancouver release, so upgrading to Vancouver will resolve the issue. In Utah and prior releases, as it does not support the latest Seismic components available in Vancouver, we can workaround it by going to below url replacing the <INSTANCE NAME> value with the actual instance name: https://<INSTANCE NAME>$ As there is no option to uninstall or roll back to the previous version, you can revert back, if you have an instance still on NLU Workbench - Advanced Features version 6.x.x that can be used as the clone source and target the instance with the unsupported 7.0.5 version on Utah. Note: Version 7.0.5 is no longer available. Version 7.0.6 is only available for Vancouver. Related Problem: PRB1692965