Process detection fails with authentication errors on patterns DB2 On Linux,WMB Flow On Unix, and WMB On UnixIssue Process detection fails with authentication errors on patterns DB2 On Linux,WMB Flow On Unix, and WMB On UnixCauseOut of box (OOB) the MID server can use two different SSH providers. Patterns listed under system property sa.ssh.exclude_patterns will use interactive shell, which may fail authentication in some servers. OOB the value for this property is: DB2 On Linux,WMB Flow On Unix,WMB On Unix Two indications that this is the root cause of the issue are: The infrastructure pattern executed on the server (Linux Server pattern for example) had no authentication errorMID logs indicate the command is executed via Maverick: [SSHProviderTerminal:874] (63)SSHProviderTerminal - Executing SSH command, ps -eo user,pid,ppid,comm,args | grep -i '4844' | grep -v grep, using Maverick.ResolutionIf the two indicators above are true, remove the pattern from the list of patterns under system property sa.ssh.exclude_patterns.