Content Items are opened inconsistently on the taxonomy topic page when searched with keywords.DescriptionThe redirection of catalog item (type - content item) doesn't honour the url from the item configuration when the topic tile is displayed as a AI search result on the 'emp_topic_taxonomy' page.On click of the content items displayed initially on the 'emp_taxonomy_topic' page honor the URL mentioned in the content item record for redirection where as the same item displayed as a AI Search result on the same page using search option on "emp_taxonomy_topic" page simply redirects the content item to the 'sc_cat_item' page in the same portal on click.Steps to Reproduce 1. Log in to any OOTB instance2. Open the Taxonomy associated to the ESC portal3. Open any child topic (IT --> Hardware --> Computer)4. Under Connected content, create a new record5. Associate a catalog item of type - content item to the connected content. (Ex: Password Reset Enrolment)6. Open the ESC portal 7. Navigate to IT --> Hardware --> Computer topic from Taxonomy Mega Menu8. Click on show more9. Click on the "Password Reset Enrolment" tile ($ Using search bar on the same topic page, search for the "Password".11. Click on the 'Password Reset Enrolment' card - it gets opened in the 'sc_cat_item' page url - behavior: It should maintain the consistency in redirection since the items are opened from same pageActual behavior: Redirection of content items doesn't honour the url defined in the item configuration when clicked on Content item tile displayed after searchWorkaround This problem has been identified as a future possible product enhancement. You can subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top of this article to be notified when more information becomes available.Related Problem: PRB1689914