Now Mobile Mobile app config is not loaded for non-admin user if Mobile Onboarding App is activated and Required Roles is set to emptyNeeds to Activate Onboarding- related Plugins and HR Service Delivery form Mobile Plugin. Since the Onboarding Mobile App is obsoleted, the Mobile Onboarding Mobile app config is created as a request Type with Required Roles "sn_hr_core.hrsm_new_hire" or "sn_hr_sp.hrsp_new_hire". The Now Mobile App will load the first matched request Type Mobile app config according to the Order and Required Roles. When a user is assigned Onboarding activities, this user will be assigned "sn_hr_core.hrsm_new_hire" or "sn_hr_sp.hrsp_new_hire". If the user logs in the Now Mobile App, the Now Mobile App will load the Mobile Onboarding Mobile app config which has a lower order than Now Mobile Mobile app config and the user has the Required Roles. After the user finishes all Onboarding activities, the roles "sn_hr_core.hrsm_new_hire" or "sn_hr_sp.hrsp_new_hire" will be removed from the user. At this time, if the user logs in the Now Mobile App again, the Now Mobile App will load the Now Mobile Mobile app config since the user doesn't have any roles required for the Mobile Onboarding Mobile app config. If the customer set the Required Roles for the Mobile Onboarding Mobile app config, the Now Mobile App will always load the Mobile Onboarding Mobile app config for all users who even have finished all Onboarding activities. The symptom looks like a Mobile App is not working as expected. Actually, it is expected behaviour due to wrong configuration. The Required Roles should never be changed.