<h2>Use AI Search for global search and configurable workspace search in Next Experience</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2025" /><meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2025" /><meta name="generator" content="DITA-OT" /><meta name="DC.type" content="concept" /><meta name="DC.title" content="Exploring AI Search" /><meta name="abstract" content="Learn about AI Search features that enable you to provide consumer-grade search experiences for your users." /><meta name="description" content="Learn about AI Search features that enable you to provide consumer-grade search experiences for your users." /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../administer/ai-search/concept/overview-ais.html" /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../administer/general/concept/intro-now-platform-landing.html" /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../administer/general/concept/config-now-platform-core-features.html" /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../administer/search-administration/reference/search-administration.html" /><meta name="DC.creator" content="ServiceNow" /><meta name="DC.date.created" content="2023-02-02" /><meta name="DC.date.modified" content="2023-08-03" /><meta name="DC.format" content="XHTML" /><meta name="DC.identifier" content="explore-ais" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../CSS/commonltr.css" /><title>Exploring AI Search</title></head><body> <div class="nested0" id="explore-ais"> <h1 class="title topictitle1" id="ariaid-title1">Exploring <span class="ph">AI Search</span></h1> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">Learn about <span class="ph">AI Search</span> features that enable you to provide consumer-grade search experiences for your users.</p> </div> <div class="related-links"> <div class="familylinks"> <div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent Topic:</strong> <a class="link" href="../../../administer/ai-search/concept/overview-ais.html" title="The ServiceNow AI Search application provides a consumer-grade search engine for ServiceNow Service Portal, ServiceNow Now Mobile, and ServiceNow Virtual Agent . Intelligent query features help you quickly find the answers you need.">AI Search</a></div> </div> </div><div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-ais-architecture"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title2"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> architecture</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">The <span class="ph">AI Search</span> index stores data from <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> records or external sources and makes that data available for users to search in multiple applications. Search query features use <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> technologies to improve the search user experience.</p> <div class="p"><div class="fig fignone" id="explore-ais-architecture__fig_zkw_2fd_sqb"><span class="figcap"><span class="fig--title-label">Figure 1. </span><span class="ph">AI Search</span> architecture diagram</span> <img class="image" id="explore-ais-architecture__image_alw_2fd_sqb" src="../image/ai-search-architecture-diagram.png" alt="Diagram showing links between content and metadata sources, AI Search index, Now Platform technologies, and Now Platform search applications." /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="ai-search-configuration"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title3"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> configuration</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">Search administrators configure <span class="ph">AI Search</span> indexing and search settings in indexed sources, search sources, search profiles, and search application configurations.</p> <div class="p"><div class="fig fignone" id="ai-search-configuration__fig_ut2_5d2_sqb"><span class="figcap"><span class="fig--title-label">Figure 2. </span><span class="ph">AI Search</span> configuration diagram</span> <img class="image" id="ai-search-configuration__image_hy4_5d2_sqb" src="../image/ai-search-configuration-diagram.png" alt="Diagram showing details and relationships for AI Search indexed source, search source, search profile, and search application configuration." /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-indexing-content-ais"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title4">Index searchable content from <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> tables and external sources</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">Make record content searchable by configuring an indexed source to add it to the <span class="ph">AI Search</span> index.</p> <div class="p">Define an indexed source for each <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> table that you want to index records from. Search administrators can configure settings for each indexed source:<ul class="ul" id="explore-indexing-content-ais__ul_s5s_kds_vnb"><li class="li">Enable indexing for child tables of the source table.</li><li class="li">Configure indexing of source record tags, attachments, translated fields, and referenced fields.</li><li class="li">Map source table fields to <span class="ph">AI Search</span> index fields for ease of search.</li></ul> </div> <p class="p">The base system includes preconfigured indexed sources for <span class="ph">Knowledge Base</span> articles, Catalog Items, and user records. You can create your own indexed sources to index records from other <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> tables.</p> <p class="p">To learn more about configuring and using indexed sources for <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> table records, see <a class="xref" href="indexed-sources-ais.html" title="Indexed sources designate Now Platform tables and external document sets with content that you want to make searchable. AI Search ingests records or documents from these sources and stores their searchable content in its search index.">Indexed sources</a>.</p> <p class="p">By activating the <span class="ph"> <span class="ph" id="explore-indexing-content-ais__ais-external-content-plugin-name-ph">External Content for <span class="ph">AI Search</span> </span> plugin (<span class="ph" id="explore-indexing-content-ais__ais-external-content-plugin-id-ph">com.glide.ais.external_content</span>)</span>, you can enable indexing and search for record content from external sources. Supported sources include SharePoint collections, Confluence sites, and <a class="xref" href="../administer/remote-tables/concept/remote-tables.dita/remote-tables.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">remote tables</a>. For more details, see <a class="xref" href="external-content-ais.html" title="With a subscription for the External Content for AI Search plugin, you can enable AI Search users to search content and metadata from documents in external repositories and remote tables.">Indexing and searching external content in AI Search</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-search-sources-ais"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title5">Control access to searchable content using search sources</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">A search source defines a subset of indexed content that users can search using a search profile. Create search sources by applying filter conditions to content from indexed sources.</p> <p class="p">Search administrators link search sources to search profiles, enabling precise control of the content that users can search. For details on creating search sources, see <a class="xref" href="search-sources-ais.html" title="Define search sources to make your searchable content available in search experiences. Choose an indexed source and configure optional filter conditions to limit the content that users can search.">Search sources</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-search-profiles-ais"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title6">Define search experience settings in search profiles</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">Search profiles define search sources and settings for linguistic search query features. Each search profile represents an individual search experience that you want to offer users in a supported <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> application.</p> <div class="p">Each search profile can include the following settings:<ul class="ul" id="explore-search-profiles-ais__ul_q3w_r1s_vnb"><li class="li">One or more search sources defining content that users can search using the profile.</li><li class="li">Dictionaries of synonyms, stop words, and typo handling auto-correction terms applied to searches using the profile.</li><li class="li">Genius Result configurations applied to searches using the profile.</li><li class="li">Result improvement rules applied to searches using the profile.</li></ul> </div> <p class="p">Search administrators create search profiles, link search sources to them, configure their settings, and publish them. For information on creating, configuring, and publishing search profiles, see <a class="xref" href="defining-search-profiles-ais.html" title="AI Search stores search experience settings in search profiles. Define a search profile for each unique search experience that you want to offer users in a Now Platform application. Create and populate synonym and stop word dictionaries. Configure typo handling dictionary settings. Define Genius Results and result improvement rules.">Search profiles</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-now-platform-apps-ais"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title7">Enable <span class="ph">AI Search</span> in supported <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> applications</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">Provide multiple search entry points across your organization by enabling <span class="ph">AI Search</span> as the search engine for search applications. The base system enables <span class="ph">AI Search</span> as the search engine for global and workspace search, <span class="ph"> <span class="ph">Customer Service Management</span>, <span class="ph">Now Mobile</span>, <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, and <span class="ph">Virtual Agent</span> </span>.</p> <div class="p">Search administrators define search application configurations for <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> applications. Each configuration links to a search profile defining the search experience for the application. Administrators can configure the application's behavior in the following ways:<ul class="ul" id="explore-now-platform-apps-ais__ul_k2h_k1s_vnb"><li class="li">Enable or disable typo handling auto-correction for search queries.</li><li class="li">Configure navigation tab and facet filters to enable users to refine search results.</li><li class="li">Limit the maximum number of search suggestions and Genius Result cards the application can display for a search.</li><li class="li">Limit the number of search results the application displays on each result page.</li></ul> </div> <p class="p">To learn more about configuring and enabling <span class="ph">AI Search</span> in supported <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> applications, see <a class="xref" href="defining-search-app-cfgs-ais.html" title="A search application configuration specifies the search engine and settings to use for search in a Now Platform application. When you choose AI Search as an application's search engine, you can select a search profile for the application and configure its search result display and refinement settings.">Search application configurations</a> and <a class="xref" href="enable-configure-apps-ais.html" title="Configure and use the AI Search engine in the Customer Service Management, Now Mobile, Service Portal, and Virtual Agent applications.">Enabling and configuring AI Search in Now Platform applications</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-features-search-ais"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title8">Provide users with powerful and flexible search</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> includes search features that help users find the answers they need.</p> <div class="p"><dl class="dl"> <dt class="dt dlterm">Powerful query language</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Query for indexed terms and phrases. Control query logic with Boolean operators. Match a range of indexed terms using wildcard operators.</p> <p class="p">For a complete guide to supported query language syntax and operators, see <a class="xref" href="use-ais.html#query-language-ais" title="Learn how to construct search queries using terms, phrases, and AI Search query operators.">AI Search query language</a>.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Auto-complete search queries</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Display suggestions in the input field as users compose their searches. Suggestions include recent and popular search queries and results as well as entries from the user's personal search history.</p> <p class="p">Auto-complete suggestions are linguistic features that search administrators configure in search application configurations. For more information on auto-complete suggestion type settings, see <a class="xref" href="auto-complete-ais.html#config-auto-complete-srch-app-ais" title="Modify default settings for display of auto-complete suggestions of a selected type in your search application's input field.">Configure an auto-complete suggestion type in an AI Search application configuration</a>.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Language-sensitive lemma and Unicode normalization of search query terms</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Support natural language search by expanding search query terms to match alternate inflections and forms. <span class="ph">AI Search</span> supports language-specific lemma normalization for <span class="ph"><span class="ph">Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, French - Canada, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese</span></span>. It supports Unicode normalization for content in all <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> languages.</p> <p class="p">Lemma and Unicode normalization are linguistic features that don't require configuration. For more details on normalization behavior, see <a class="xref" href="lemma-unicode-normalization-ais.html" title="AI Search normalizes inflected words and Unicode glyphs during indexing and at search query time. Normalization improves search recall and enables users to find content with variant forms of their search query terms.">Lemma and Unicode normalization</a>.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Expand search query terms using configurable synonyms</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Improve search recall by configuring language-specific dictionaries of terms with equivalent meanings or usage. When a search query includes any of these terms, <span class="ph">AI Search</span> expands it to include all equivalent terms, providing users with a more natural search experience.</p> <p class="p">Synonyms are linguistic features that search administrators configure in search profiles. For details on configuring synonyms and synonym dictionaries, see <a class="xref" href="synonyms-ais.html" title="Synonyms expand search queries to include additional terms with equivalent meaning or usage. Improve search recall by configuring synonym dictionaries and defining synonyms.">Synonyms</a>. <span class="ph">AI Search</span> supports synonym dictionaries for <span class="ph"><span class="ph">Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, French - Canada, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese</span></span>.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Remove excessively frequent search terms using configurable stop words</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Increase search precision by configuring language-specific dictionaries of frequently appearing terms that dilute search relevancy. <span class="ph">AI Search</span> removes these stop words from user search queries to exclude irrelevant results.</p> <p class="p">Stop words are linguistic features that search administrators configure in search profiles. For details on configuring stop words and stop word dictionaries, see <a class="xref" href="stop-words-ais.html" title="Stop words remove search query terms that don't produce meaningful results. Improve search precision and relevancy by configuring stop word dictionaries and defining stop words.">Stop words</a>. <span class="ph">AI Search</span> supports stop word dictionaries for <span class="ph"><span class="ph">Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French - Canada, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish</span></span>.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Auto-correct typos in search query terms</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Automatically replace misspelled search query terms with spellings found in indexed content. Typo corrections are displayed above search results. Users can always choose to repeat the search with their original query terms.</p> <p class="p">Typo handling auto-correction is a linguistic feature that search administrators configure in search profiles. For details on controlling the set of available auto-correction terms, see <a class="xref" href="typo-handling-ais.html" title="AI Search replaces misspelled search query terms with auto-correction terms derived from indexed content. Configure typo handling dictionary settings to control derivation of auto-correction terms.">Typo handling</a>. <span class="ph">AI Search</span> supports derivation of auto-correction terms for <span class="ph"><span class="ph">Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French - Canada, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish</span></span>.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-features-refine-ais"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title9">Enable search result refinement filters</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> enables users to refine searches by filtering their results. Use navigation tabs to filter results by source, or select facets to apply filters dynamically generated from the result set.</p> <div class="p"><dl class="dl"> <dt class="dt dlterm">Filter results by source using navigation tabs</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Display pre-defined categories that users can select to immediately exclude unwanted search results.</p> <p class="p">Search administrators configure navigation tabs in search application configurations. For details on available settings, see <a class="xref" href="../task/config-nav-tabs-ais.html" title="Define settings for navigation tabs in a search application configuration. Users of the application can select navigation tabs to refine their search query results by search source.">Configure navigation tabs in an AI Search application configuration</a>.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Filter results dynamically using facets</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Display field value-based filter selections generated dynamically from the search query's result set. Users can select multiple facet values to narrow their area of focus. Facets only display when they produce results, so users never need to worry about dead ends.</p> <p class="p">Search administrators define facets in search application configurations. For details on creating and configuring facets, see <a class="xref" href="../task/create-facet-ais.html" title="Define facets to refine your searches using categories dynamically generated from the current search results.">Create a facet in an AI Search application configuration</a>.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-features-results-ais"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title10">Display relevant and actionable search results</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> provides users with clear answers for their search queries.</p> <div class="p"><dl class="dl"> <dt class="dt dlterm">Hit highlighting</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> highlights search query terms that appear in search results. This highlighting enables users to see which query terms contributed to record matches.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Display the most relevant results first with machine learning relevancy</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> orders search results in decreasing order of relevancy. Machine learning automatically tunes and improves search result relevancy scoring for each search profile based on aggregated user interaction data and A/B testing evaluations of live search traffic.</p> <p class="p">Machine learning relevancy is automatically enabled and not configurable, though search administrators can exclude specific search profiles from automatic relevancy-model updates. For more details on automatic relevancy score tuning, see <a class="xref" href="machine-learning-relevancy-ais.html" title="AI Search displays the most relevant search results for a query first. Machine learning automatically tunes search result relevancy scoring for search experiences based on aggregated user interactions.">Machine learning relevancy in AI Search</a>.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Display the best answers as actionable Genius Result cards</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Configure Genius Results to analyze search query intent and put the best answers first. Search users can read a <span class="ph">Knowledge</span> article, view a user's profile or organization chart, or request a Catalog Item directly from a Genius Result answer card.</p> <p class="p">Search administrators can link Genius Results to search profiles, modify their settings, and create new configurations. To learn more about Genius Results configurations, see <a class="xref" href="genius-results-ais.html" title="Optionally display the best answers for a search query as actionable Genius Result cards included with search results.">Genius Results</a>.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Boost, block, or promote search results</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Define result improvement rules with configurable trigger conditions. A rule can boost search result relevancy based on the search query or user context, or can block or promote specific results for a particular search query.</p> <p class="p">Search administrators define result improvement rules in search profiles. For details on creating rules and configuring their boost, block, or promote actions, see <a class="xref" href="result-improvement-rules-ais.html" title="Define rules with configurable trigger conditions to boost, block, or promote search results for specific searches. You can also boost search results for documents matching elements of the user context, such as a user's country, OS, or device type.">Result improvement rules</a>. <span class="ph">AI Search</span> supports result improvement rules for <span class="ph"><span class="ph">Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, French - Canada, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese</span></span> search queries.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-content-security-ais"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title11">Content security in <span class="ph">AI Search</span></h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">When indexing records, <span class="ph">AI Search</span> preserves their <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> security features. At query time, <span class="ph">AI Search</span> filters search query results and displays only records that the user can access.</p> <p class="p">For more information on how <span class="ph">AI Search</span> handles security features for <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> table records, see <a class="xref" href="content-security-ais.html" title="AI Search filters search query results and displays only records that the currently logged in user can access.">Content security in AI Search</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-language-support-ais"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title12">Internationalization support</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> supports indexing and search for all languages offered by the <span class="ph">Now Platform</span>. Search administrators can configure <span class="ph">AI Search</span> search features for languages activated in your instance.</p> <div class="section" id="explore-language-support-ais__section_vxf_dsb_vwb"> <p class="p">For full details on language support in <span class="ph">AI Search</span> search features, see <a class="xref" href="international-language-support-ais.html" title="AI Search supports indexing and search in all languages offered by the Now Platform. Search linguistic features are supported in Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, French - Canada, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese.">Internationalization support for AI Search</a>.</p> </div> <div class="section" id="explore-language-support-ais__section_b3z_csb_vwb"><h3 class="title sectiontitle">Search features</h3> <div class="p">The following table displays the set of <span class="ph">AI Search</span> search features available for specific <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> languages. <div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" id="explore-language-support-ais__table_pbc_qnw_rqb" class="table" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption><span class="tablecap"><span class="table--title-label">Table 1. </span>Search features supported by language</span></caption><colgroup><col style="width:50%" /><col style="width:50%" /></colgroup><thead class="thead" style="text-align:left;"><tr class="row"><th class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" id="d465696e1187">Language</th><th class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" id="d465696e1190">Search features supported</th></tr></thead><tbody class="tbody"><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1187 ">English</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1190 "> <ul class="ul" id="explore-language-support-ais__ul_mjb_ndt_pdc"><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="genius-results-ais.html" title="Optionally display the best answers for a search query as actionable Genius Result cards included with search results.">Genius Results</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="international-language-support-ais.html" title="AI Search supports indexing and search in all languages offered by the Now Platform. Search linguistic features are supported in Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, French - Canada, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese.">Language identification</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="lemma-unicode-normalization-ais.html" title="AI Search normalizes inflected words and Unicode glyphs during indexing and at search query time. Normalization improves search recall and enables users to find content with variant forms of their search query terms.">Lemma and Unicode normalization</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="result-improvement-rules-ais.html" title="Define rules with configurable trigger conditions to boost, block, or promote search results for specific searches. You can also boost search results for documents matching elements of the user context, such as a user's country, OS, or device type.">Result improvement rules</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="stop-words-ais.html" title="Stop words remove search query terms that don't produce meaningful results. Improve search precision and relevancy by configuring stop word dictionaries and defining stop words.">Stop words</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="synonyms-ais.html" title="Synonyms expand search queries to include additional terms with equivalent meaning or usage. Improve search recall by configuring synonym dictionaries and defining synonyms.">Synonyms</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="typo-handling-ais.html" title="AI Search replaces misspelled search query terms with auto-correction terms derived from indexed content. Configure typo handling dictionary settings to control derivation of auto-correction terms.">Typo handling</a></li></ul> </td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1187 "><span class="ph">Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, French - Canada, Italian, and Spanish</span></td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1190 "><ul class="ul" id="explore-language-support-ais__ul_s1r_rnw_rqb"><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="international-language-support-ais.html" title="AI Search supports indexing and search in all languages offered by the Now Platform. Search linguistic features are supported in Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, French - Canada, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese.">Language identification</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="lemma-unicode-normalization-ais.html" title="AI Search normalizes inflected words and Unicode glyphs during indexing and at search query time. Normalization improves search recall and enables users to find content with variant forms of their search query terms.">Lemma and Unicode normalization</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="result-improvement-rules-ais.html" title="Define rules with configurable trigger conditions to boost, block, or promote search results for specific searches. You can also boost search results for documents matching elements of the user context, such as a user's country, OS, or device type.">Result improvement rules</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="stop-words-ais.html" title="Stop words remove search query terms that don't produce meaningful results. Improve search precision and relevancy by configuring stop word dictionaries and defining stop words.">Stop words</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="synonyms-ais.html" title="Synonyms expand search queries to include additional terms with equivalent meaning or usage. Improve search recall by configuring synonym dictionaries and defining synonyms.">Synonyms</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="typo-handling-ais.html" title="AI Search replaces misspelled search query terms with auto-correction terms derived from indexed content. Configure typo handling dictionary settings to control derivation of auto-correction terms.">Typo handling</a></li></ul> </td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1187 "><span class="ph">German and Swedish</span></td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1190 "><ul class="ul" id="explore-language-support-ais__ul_m4g_wnw_rqb"><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="international-language-support-ais.html" title="AI Search supports indexing and search in all languages offered by the Now Platform. Search linguistic features are supported in Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, French - Canada, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese.">Language identification</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="lemma-unicode-normalization-ais.html" title="AI Search normalizes inflected words and Unicode glyphs during indexing and at search query time. Normalization improves search recall and enables users to find content with variant forms of their search query terms.">Lemma and Unicode normalization</a> (including decompounding)</li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="result-improvement-rules-ais.html" title="Define rules with configurable trigger conditions to boost, block, or promote search results for specific searches. You can also boost search results for documents matching elements of the user context, such as a user's country, OS, or device type.">Result improvement rules</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="stop-words-ais.html" title="Stop words remove search query terms that don't produce meaningful results. Improve search precision and relevancy by configuring stop word dictionaries and defining stop words.">Stop words</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="synonyms-ais.html" title="Synonyms expand search queries to include additional terms with equivalent meaning or usage. Improve search recall by configuring synonym dictionaries and defining synonyms.">Synonyms</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="typo-handling-ais.html" title="AI Search replaces misspelled search query terms with auto-correction terms derived from indexed content. Configure typo handling dictionary settings to control derivation of auto-correction terms.">Typo handling</a></li></ul> </td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1187 ">Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1190 "><ul class="ul" id="explore-language-support-ais__ul_agl_wnw_rqb"><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="international-language-support-ais.html" title="AI Search supports indexing and search in all languages offered by the Now Platform. Search linguistic features are supported in Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, French - Canada, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese.">Language identification</a> (including text-region and search-term identification)</li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="lemma-unicode-normalization-ais.html" title="AI Search normalizes inflected words and Unicode glyphs during indexing and at search query time. Normalization improves search recall and enables users to find content with variant forms of their search query terms.">Lemma and Unicode normalization</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="result-improvement-rules-ais.html" title="Define rules with configurable trigger conditions to boost, block, or promote search results for specific searches. You can also boost search results for documents matching elements of the user context, such as a user's country, OS, or device type.">Result improvement rules</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="stop-words-ais.html" title="Stop words remove search query terms that don't produce meaningful results. Improve search precision and relevancy by configuring stop word dictionaries and defining stop words.">Stop words</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="synonyms-ais.html" title="Synonyms expand search queries to include additional terms with equivalent meaning or usage. Improve search recall by configuring synonym dictionaries and defining synonyms.">Synonyms</a></li></ul> </td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1187 ">Korean</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1190 "> <ul class="ul" id="explore-language-support-ais__ul_g2k_dz1_vbc"><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="international-language-support-ais.html" title="AI Search supports indexing and search in all languages offered by the Now Platform. Search linguistic features are supported in Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, French - Canada, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese.">Language identification</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="lemma-unicode-normalization-ais.html" title="AI Search normalizes inflected words and Unicode glyphs during indexing and at search query time. Normalization improves search recall and enables users to find content with variant forms of their search query terms.">Lemma and Unicode normalization</a> (including decompounding)</li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="result-improvement-rules-ais.html" title="Define rules with configurable trigger conditions to boost, block, or promote search results for specific searches. You can also boost search results for documents matching elements of the user context, such as a user's country, OS, or device type.">Result improvement rules</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="stop-words-ais.html" title="Stop words remove search query terms that don't produce meaningful results. Improve search precision and relevancy by configuring stop word dictionaries and defining stop words.">Stop words</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="synonyms-ais.html" title="Synonyms expand search queries to include additional terms with equivalent meaning or usage. Improve search recall by configuring synonym dictionaries and defining synonyms.">Synonyms</a></li></ul> </td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1187 "><p class="p">All other <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> languages activated in your instance</p> </td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d465696e1190 "><ul class="ul" id="explore-language-support-ais__ul_mxy_xpg_4rb"><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="lemma-unicode-normalization-ais.html" title="AI Search normalizes inflected words and Unicode glyphs during indexing and at search query time. Normalization improves search recall and enables users to find content with variant forms of their search query terms.">Unicode normalization</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="result-improvement-rules-ais.html" title="Define rules with configurable trigger conditions to boost, block, or promote search results for specific searches. You can also boost search results for documents matching elements of the user context, such as a user's country, OS, or device type.">Result improvement rules</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="stop-words-ais.html" title="Stop words remove search query terms that don't produce meaningful results. Improve search precision and relevancy by configuring stop word dictionaries and defining stop words.">Stop words</a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="synonyms-ais.html" title="Synonyms expand search queries to include additional terms with equivalent meaning or usage. Improve search recall by configuring synonym dictionaries and defining synonyms.">Synonyms</a></li></ul> </td></tr></tbody></table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section" id="explore-language-support-ais__section_scr_2sb_vwb"><h3 class="title sectiontitle">Translated content search</h3> <div class="p">By default, <span class="ph">AI Search</span> only returns results for records with translated content, such as Knowledge articles, that are in the user's <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> session language. You can modify this default behavior in several ways:<dl class="dl"> <dt class="dt dlterm"><a class="xref" href="../task/assign-kb-srch-langs-country-ais.html" title="Improve multilingual search recall by defining a set of Knowledge article search languages for each user country. User searches can match Knowledge articles in any of the search languages specified for their country as well as in the language associated with their Now Platform session.">Assign Knowledge article search languages by country</a></dt> <dd class="dd">Improve multilingual search recall by defining a set of <span class="ph">Knowledge</span> article search languages for each user country. User searches can match <span class="ph">Knowledge</span> articles in any of the search languages specified for their country as well as in the language associated with their <span class="ph">Now Platform</span> session.</dd> <dt class="dt dlterm"><a class="xref" href="../task/configure-global-srch-kb-articles.html" title="Define an encoded query for Knowledge articles that you want to make searchable in any language.">Configure globally searchable Knowledge articles</a></dt> <dd class="dd">Define an encoded query to match Knowledge articles that you want to make searchable regardless of the user's session language.</dd> <dt class="dt dlterm"><a class="xref" href="interaction-fallback-language-ais.html" title="When a fallback language is configured for the user's session language, AI Search searches translated documents in both languages. Search uses the appropriate stop word, synonym, and typo handling dictionaries for the fallback language.">Configure a fallback language</a></dt> <dd class="dd"><a class="xref" href="../../localization/task/set-fallback-language.html" title="Set a fallback language to be used when user interface text is not translated in the user's preferred language to accommodate the language needs of your users.">Set a fallback language</a> for the user's session language. <span class="ph">AI Search</span> returns translated content results from the selected fallback language as well as the user's session language.</dd> <dt class="dt dlterm"><a class="xref" href="../task/enable-global-fallback-lang-ais.html" title="Configure AI Search to match translated documents in a global fallback locale's language as well as the user's session language.">Enable a global fallback locale for translated content</a></dt> <dd class="dd">Configure a global fallback locale to use for all translated content searches. <span class="ph">AI Search</span> returns translated content results from the global fallback locale's language as well as the user's session language.<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> The global fallback locale works best if you want to make all English-language records globally searchable.</div> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-ais-nextexp-app"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title13">Use <span class="ph">AI Search</span> for global search and configurable workspace search in <span class="ph">Next Experience</span></h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> is the default search engine for <span class="ph">Unified Navigation</span> searches in <span class="ph">Next Experience</span>, including global search and configurable workspace search.</p> <div class="p">Search administrators can configure global search and configurable workspace search settings using the <span class="ph"> <span class="ph">AI Search</span> for <span class="ph">Next Experience</span></span> application.<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> The <span class="ph"> <span class="ph">AI Search</span> for <span class="ph">Next Experience</span></span> application is automatically installed and enabled in new <span class="ph">Vancouver</span> instances. If you upgrade to <span class="ph">Vancouver</span> from a previous release, your administrators can manually install and enable the application.</div> </div> <p class="p">For details on <span class="ph"> <span class="ph">AI Search</span> for <span class="ph">Next Experience</span></span>, including configuration steps and a usage guide, see <a class="xref" href="ais-next-experience-app.html" title="This ServiceNow Store application enables administrators to configure AI Search as the search engine for Unified Navigation searches in Next Experience, including global search and configurable workspace search.">AI Search for Next Experience</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="topic concept nested1" id="explore-ais-assist-widget"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title14">Deflect incidents in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> with the <span class="ph">AI Search</span> Assist widget</h2> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">Improve incident deflection for <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> users by displaying the most relevant search results within a record producer.</p> <div class="p"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> Assist can help an agent or user find the most relevant items in a search on your portal. For example:<ul class="ul" id="explore-ais-assist-widget__ul_cxv_fgn_h4b"><li class="li">An agent, working on an Incident record, can use <span class="ph">AI Search</span> Assist to find and attach Knowledge articles, order a catalog item on behalf of the caller, or search for an article and link it to a related incident or problem.</li><li class="li">A user, creating an Incident via the <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, can see related Catalog Items that the user can order. The user can also view related Knowledge articles to help them resolve the issue on their own without involving the service desk operators.</li></ul> </div> <div class="p"><span class="ph">AI Search</span> Assist helps with incident deflection for the following areas:<ul class="ul" id="explore-ais-assist-widget__ul_dxv_fgn_h4b"><li class="li">Incident record producers: Deflect incidents by helping end users resolve issues before they raise an incident.</li><li class="li">Incident forms: Help service desk staff resolve incidents quickly by providing relevant knowledge.</li><li class="li">Incident email notifications: Help end users resolve their incidents themselves without requiring manual intervention from service desk staff.</li></ul> </div> <p class="p">To learn more about configuring and using the <span class="ph">AI Search</span> Assist widget in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, see <a class="xref" href="ai-search-assist.html" title="AI Search Assist is a Service Portal widget that uses AI Search to improve incident deflection by displaying the most relevant set of related search results within a record producer. You can use AI Search Assist instead of Contextual Search.">AI Search Assist record producer integration for Service Portal</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </body></html></div>