UplaodFile to Onedrive bot process execution fails with ACL error message as "You either cannot perform this action or your role is not part of the assigned ACL. Enable the Callable by Client API option or update the ACLs field."Issue The UploadFile to Onedrive bot process execution fails due to 'InvokeAction' component used in automation and displays the following ACL error message: "You either cannot perform this action or your role is not part of the assigned ACL. Enable the Callable by Client API option or update the ACLs field. Refer to the documentation for more details." WorkaroundFlow Designer: Login as system administrator and navigate to 'Flow Designer' from RPA Hub.Create a Subflow with Scope as Global.3.Create an input filed with the Type as Reference.Attachment[sys_attachment] Add the 'Copy Attachment to OneDrive' action and add the input parameter Attachment_Record in the Attachment Record[Attachment] field. Save the flow and navigate to the 'Manage Security' option. Select the Callable by Client API box, add the 'RPA Flow Designer ACL', and then click Update. Click Publish. Design Studio Download the package from RPA Hub.Launch the package with 'RPA Desktop Design Studio'Go to the Main activity Note: By default you will see the 'InvokeAction' component Go to toolbox, and drag and drop the InvokeSubFlow component to the Design surface.Double-click the 'InvokeSubFlow' component header and enter the name of the subflow that you created and select the result. Replace the 'InvokeAction' component with 'InvokeSubFlow' component. Test it and publish the flow to RPA Hub. Published as a 'New Package' Go to 'UploadFile to Onedrive' bot process and change the 'Package' and 'Package Version'. Published as a 'New Package Version' Go to 'UploadFile to Onedrive' bot process and change the 'Package Version'.