"Record not Found" displayed when access to Servicenow Record via Link in MailDescriptionThis is reported by customer and can be found in below scenario. Using any version from Sandiego and after. 1. When checking the incident table before login then "record not found" can be seen after login. 2. When click the URL to access incident from the Mail from Servicenow before login then "record not found" can be seen after login. Steps to Reproduce 1. Access below to try to see the incident table before loginhttps://<any default OOB instance>.service-now.com/incident.do?sys_id=57af7aec73d423002728660c4cf6a71c&sysparm_stack=incident_list.do?sysparm_query=active=true2. Enter the credential prompted in the screen which having access to this incident record.3. Then see the message "record not found"Redirect to below URLhttps://<any default OOB instance>.service-now.com/now/nav/ui/classic/params/target/incident.do%3Fsys_id%3D57af7aec73d423002728660c4cf6a71c%2526sysparm_stack%3Dincident_list.do%3Fsysparm_query%3Dactive%3DtrueIn addition, please note that if you have already login then the URL in steps1 can be seen correctly.WorkaroundThis issue happened after "glide.ui.polaris.experience" been introduced in Sandiego, by default the value is true.Disable "glide.ui.polaris.experience" then this issue can be solved.Related Problem: PRB1617296