Use User ID's and Group ID's with User and Group Actions from the ServiceNow Microsoft Azure AD SpokeIssue When using the ServiceNow Microsoft Azure AD Spoke the Actions related to users and groups, for example Remove User From Group, will expect alpha-numeric User ID's and Group ID's as input. If instead usernames and group names are passed in then you may see errors like this in the Flow Execution: {"error":{"code":"Request_ResourceNotFound","message":"Resource 'SOMEUSERID' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.","innerError":{"date":"2023-06-16T11:25:56","request-id":"1234...","client-request-id":"1234.."}}} {"error":{"code":"Request_BadRequest","message":"Invalid GUID:SOME_GROUP_NAME","innerError":{"date":"2023-07-05T04:43:58","request-id":"1234..","client-request-id":"1234.."}}} ReleaseCurrent versions of the ServiceNow Microsoft Azure AD SpokeCauseThe Microsoft Graph API's that the Spoke calls are mostly setup to expect alpha-numeric User ID's and Group ID's.For example: you haven't stored the User ID and Group ID on the ServiceNow instance you can use the Actions Look Up User and Look Up Group (part of the Spoke) to retrieve the User ID or Group ID of a user or group. The alphanumeric User ID or Group ID will look like this "f448435d-3ca7-4073-8152-a1fd73c0fd09" (example from Microsoft's documentation)Related LinksMicrosoft Azure AD Spoke release notes Microsoft Azure Active Directory spoke