"Homepage deprecation help tool" app is not upgraded automaticallyDescriptionThe issue is with "source" field of the sys_store_app record for the "Homepage deprecation help tool" app The "source" field contains a type, that is why it is not upgraded automatically The issue is fixed in 1.1.3 version of the "Homepage deprecation help tool" appSteps to Reproduce - Create an instance on Utah- Install "Homepage deprecation help tool" version 1.0.4- Upgrade instance to latest track/pardefExpected:"Homepage deprecation help tool" app is automatically upgraded to version 1.2.0Actual:The app version 1.2.0 is available under plugin list but not automatically installedWorkaroundThe problem is fixed in 1.1.3 version of the "Homepage deprecation help tool" app. In order to fix the issue after upgrade from Utah the new version of the "Homepage deprecation help tool" app needs to be installed manually. To do it: - Open "Plugins" under "System Definition" menu - Search for "Homepage deprecation help tool" plugin (it should under "Installed" tab) and open it - After upgrade from Utah the newer version should be available. Install the new version manually. NB: Please make sure the next available version is greater or equal 1.1.3 Using the newer version of the "Homepage deprecation help tool" app will fix the issue with the next upgrade so the new version will be installed automatically during upgrade to the next family releaseRelated Problem: PRB1662864