Unable to discover Linux Server due to MID Server JAVASCRIPT_CODE_FAILURE: Out of memory : GC overhead limit exceededIssue Discovery fails on Linux Servers due to Pattern failing with memory issue on MID Server:2023-04-03 20:21:25: JAVASCRIPT_CODE_FAILURE: Out of memory : GC overhead limit exceeded. JAVASCRIPT_CODE_FAILURE: Out of memory : GC overhead limit exceededDebugging the pattern shows the error:Test failed: Failed to execute task, PatternDebuggerTask, with failure message: Java heap space.CauseMID Server ran low on the heap while parsing large results from the "Get List of VM" step. This lead to the pattern ending prematurely causing the NPE.Resolution1- Increase the MID Server heap from default 1GB to 2GB.Ref.: https://docs.servicenow.com/en-US/bundle/utah-servicenow-platform/page/product/mid-server/task/t_MIDServerOptionalConfiguration.html 2- Set the wrapper.java.maxmemory=2048 3- Restart the MID Server.Related LinksPatterns fail with "The number of rows in the table has reached the maximum limit of 20,000" MID Server received a large response that exceed the allowed number of rows 200,000 error shown in Service Mapping