Archived records are taking precedence in exact match search after upgrade to UTAHIssue If there are two records with the same number (say TASK123456) like below:Incident Task. (incidet_task) - TASK123456Archived Catalog Task (ar_sc_task) - TASK123456Upon using the global search users are redirected to the archived record (ar_sc_task) instead of the active incident task record. This doesn't happen in pre-Utah instances.ReleaseUtah and AboveCauseIn UTAH, we have extended the global text search (exact match search) feature to archived tables also.Refer -Archived records are not appearing in global searchResolutionIn order to go back to the previous behavior (not allowing users to get archived records in the exact match), you can implement the below:1) Go to sys_properties.LIST 2) Create a new system property with below details: Name - glide.ui.text_search.enable_archive_fallback_number_search Type - String Value - false Ignore Cache - checked (ticked) Save the changes3) Clear instance cache by appending "/"