How to add Agent Assist tab to Contextual sidebar?Instructions To add Agent Assist tab to Contextual sidebar please follow the steps outlined below: Change to the same scope as target workspace.Navigate to "UX Screen Collections" (sys_ux_screen_type) table. "UX Screen Collections" is the root record tying together the following aspects of the tab: UX Screens - variants of the contents of the tab. They are used if, for example, Agent Assist for different tables needs to use different Table Configurations;UX App Route - configuration which connects Screen Collection to the actual Record page and places it inside correct component - Contextual sidebar; Filter "UX Screen Collections" to display only the ones belonging to the same application as the workspace.In a new tab open one of the records which is already rendered in Contextual sidebar, it will be used as a reference for the rest of the configuration process. In my example I used "Risk workspace attachment".Scroll down to related lists and select "UX App Routes". In a new tab open Route record.Switch back to "UX Screen Collections" and select "New" UI Action to create brand new Collection.Populate it as follows: Name - Agent AssistDescription (optional) - desired additional information Save the record without leaving the page (right click on the record toolbar and select "Save" option from the menu).Navigate back to the tab with the existing Route record we opened in step 5."Insert and Stay" this record.Modify newly created record as follows: Name - Agent AssistRoute - agent-assistScreen collection - new screen collection created in steps 7 and 8 (for this you can filter lookup list for Name containing "agent" and Application the same as your workspace scope or use Sys ID) Save the record. Reload screen collection created in steps 7 and 8, newly created Route will now appear in the corresponding related list:Icon can be adjusted by editing "Icon" value in the related list. To do so please double click on the cell and use name of one of the icons from the gallery. In my example I will use the standard "graduation-cap-outline".Please take note and copy Sys ID of "App Configuration" and "Parent Macroponent" of the Agent Assist Route. This can be done by clicking on the link inside the cell to open each record and when copying their Sys IDs. Paste them somewhere easily accessible for future use. Now that the route linking Screen Collection to the tab in Contextual Sidebar has been created the next step is to add content - Agent Assist. For this please switch to UX Screens related list and select "New" UI action.Modify new record as follows: Screen Name - Agent assist and any additional information you might want to add, for example "Agent Assist for Incident"Order - this determines the ordering of tabs in Contextual Sidebar with 0 corresponding to the first oneScreen Condition - when this variant will be shown. In my example I want to add Agent Assist only to the Incident records and use condition "parent.table=incident"Page Definition - this is template for Agent Assist tab, please lookup record with the Name "agent assist" and Application "Common Page Templates":Parent Macroponent - lookup Macroponent record with the Sys ID we copied in the step 14Macroponent Configuration - please replace placeholder for "cxsTableConfig" in this snippet with Sys ID of your Table Configuration: { "isNewRecord" : "@data.gform.nowRecordFormBlob.isNewRecord", "fields" : "@data.gform.nowRecordFormBlob.fields", "sysId" : "@data.gform.nowRecordFormBlob.sysId", "table" : "@data.gform.nowRecordFormBlob.table", "cxsTableConfig" : "TABLE CONFIGURATION SYS ID", "label" : "", "bare" : true, "scrollable" : "y", "headerLevel" : "1", "interceptNotifications" : false, "propagateNotifications" : true, "views" : "workspace", "selectedTabIndex" : 0 } Event Mappings - please use the following snippet: [ { "eventMappingId" : "ckiveehhefftaaaabbddddgiijjohhfhwyzx", "isConfiguration" : false, "offRowStorageId" : null, "sourceEventApiName" : "sn_uib_base_aw.GFORM_EXECUTE_UI_ACTION_RELAY_195fd4970f0210107d20409dc4767e0a", "sourceEventDefinition" : { "apiName" : "sn_uib_base_aw.GFORM_EXECUTE_UI_ACTION_RELAY_195fd4970f0210107d20409dc4767e0a", "id" : null, "type" : "UXEVENT" }, "sourceEventSysId" : null, "targets" : [ { "broker" : null, "clientScript" : null, "declarativeAction" : null, "event" : null, "operation" : { "dataBrokerId" : "dc6e87a5232200100e4bc50947bf654b", "operationName" : "EXECUTE_UI_ACTION", "parentResourceId" : "gform", "payload" : { "type" : "MAP_CONTAINER", "container" : { "actionSysId" : { "type" : "EVENT_PAYLOAD_BINDING", "binding" : { "address" : [ "actionSysId" ] } } } } }, "targetId" : "ckiveehhefftaaaabbeeddgiijjjjdherdiix", "type" : "DATABROKER_OP" } ] }, { "eventMappingId" : "ckgaadhhiggjaaaaaazddhhhctjjvffyafe", "isConfiguration" : false, "offRowStorageId" : null, "sourceEventApiName" : "sn_uib_base_aw.GFORM_SAVE_RELAY_195fd4970f0210107d20409dc4767e0a", "sourceEventDefinition" : { "apiName" : "sn_uib_base_aw.GFORM_SAVE_RELAY_195fd4970f0210107d20409dc4767e0a", "id" : null, "type" : "UXEVENT" }, "sourceEventSysId" : null, "targets" : [ { "broker" : null, "clientScript" : null, "declarativeAction" : null, "event" : null, "operation" : { "dataBrokerId" : "dc6e87a5232200100e4bc50947bf654b", "operationName" : "SAVE", "parentResourceId" : "gform", "payload" : { "type" : "JSON_LITERAL", "value" : { } } }, "targetId" : "ckgaadhhiggjaaaabbaaddhhhceeeoebiiccy", "type" : "DATABROKER_OP" } ] }, { "eventMappingId" : "ckfrheeucccaaaabbaaddhhhauddkjcvkbb", "isConfiguration" : false, "offRowStorageId" : null, "sourceEventApiName" : "sn_uib_base_aw.NOW_UXF_PAGE#ADD_NOTIFICATIONS_RELAY_195fd4970f0210107d20409dc4767e0a", "sourceEventDefinition" : { "apiName" : "sn_uib_base_aw.NOW_UXF_PAGE#ADD_NOTIFICATIONS_RELAY_195fd4970f0210107d20409dc4767e0a", "id" : null, "type" : "UXEVENT" }, "sourceEventSysId" : null, "targets" : [ { "broker" : null, "clientScript" : null, "declarativeAction" : null, "event" : { "apiName" : "sn_uxf_page.NOW_UXF_PAGE#ADD_NOTIFICATIONS", "payload" : { "type" : "MAP_CONTAINER", "container" : { "items" : { "type" : "EVENT_PAYLOAD_BINDING", "binding" : { "address" : [ "items" ] } } } }, "sysId" : "49fe7d575f983bb3f8eea3fa8d40694c" }, "operation" : null, "targetId" : "ckfrheeucccaaaaaazddhhhaffyziccpqs", "type" : "EVENT" } ] }, { "eventMappingId" : "ckfninrqbaaaaaazddhhharnggdffffiih", "isConfiguration" : false, "offRowStorageId" : null, "sourceEventApiName" : "sn_uib_base_aw.GFORM_SET_VALUE_RELAY_195fd4970f0210107d20409dc4767e0a", "sourceEventDefinition" : { "apiName" : "sn_uib_base_aw.GFORM_SET_VALUE_RELAY_195fd4970f0210107d20409dc4767e0a", "id" : null, "type" : "UXEVENT" }, "sourceEventSysId" : null, "targets" : [ { "broker" : null, "clientScript" : null, "declarativeAction" : null, "event" : null, "operation" : { "dataBrokerId" : "dc6e87a5232200100e4bc50947bf654b", "operationName" : "SET_VALUE", "parentResourceId" : "gform", "payload" : { "type" : "MAP_CONTAINER", "container" : { "fieldName" : { "type" : "EVENT_PAYLOAD_BINDING", "binding" : { "address" : [ "fieldName" ] } }, "value" : { "type" : "EVENT_PAYLOAD_BINDING", "binding" : { "address" : [ "value" ] } }, "displayValue" : { "type" : "EVENT_PAYLOAD_BINDING", "binding" : { "address" : [ "displayValue" ] } } } } }, "targetId" : "ckfninrqbaaaabbaaddhhhakffbbmubbfjj", "type" : "DATABROKER_OP" } ] } ] App Configuration - lookup App Configuration record with the Sys ID we copied in the step 14 Save the record.Load Record page in your workspace for the table you created variant for. If you would like to add more variants changing Table Configuration used please refer to KB0995963.