sys_trigger record for CMDB Data Manager policy "Dependent CI Deletion" is missing in some instances, meaning that although it is active out-of-box, it doesn't runDescriptionsys_trigger record for CMDB Data Manager policy "Dependent CI Deletion" is missing in some instances, meaning that although it is active out-of-box, it doesn't run.The "CMDB DependentCI Policy Processor" scheduled script is active out-of-box, set to run daily at 0330, and has been since the CMDB Data Manager feature was added in https://<instance name> policy "Dependent CI Deletion":https://<instance name><instance name> is most likely to be noticed after an upgrade to Utah, when the missing sys_trigger record is added, and there is a sudden flood of "CMDB Data Manager tasks created" email notifications to users related to CIs identified by this policy, which will be linked to the CMDB Data Management Tasks created by this job [cmdb_data_management_task]. Steps to Reproduce It is currently unknown why some instances don't have the sys_trigger record for this policy, but some do.WorkaroundTo recreate the sys_trigger use the below script as a workaround. It will create the sys_trigger if it is missing for any Data Manager scheduled jobs. var grJobs = new GlideRecord("sysauto_script");grJobs.addQuery("sys_id", "IN", ["0fff6af6772320108043270bba10619b", "1fbfd45a73d1011026f6aa114df6a797", "4e31db4b73f0011026f6aa114df6a7b7", "6d992d8973c2601026f6aa114df6a729", "7ae92d8973c2601026f6aa114df6a74d", "7dbe9af077c630108043270bba1061cc", "b4fc1a4f7363601026f6aa114df6a796", "ffaecf76ff960110456d766cf43bf13d"]);grJobs.query();while( SncTriggerSynchronizer.synchronize0(grJobs, "update"); If you only noticed this when the job started running after an upgrade to Utah, then this should be allowed to run. This CMDB Data Manager policy should be running out-of-box. More details on its purpose and what should be done with the tasks is in the documentation:Dependent CIs managementRelated Problem: PRB1673154