Creating a field with a larger maximum length than possible in the database causes issuesDescriptionWhen you create a field, for example an INTEGER with a large size of over 2,147,483,647, the field is created after, which is not editable. Actual Behavior: 1. The column/field is created without the label, the size gets adjusted to 2,147,483,647, and the field is not editable anymore (you must delete the column and recreate it). 2. If created with a smaller size and later adjusted, it resets to 2,147,483,647.Steps to Reproduce The issue was reproduced on a baseline instance. Steps to Reproduce: 1. On the instance. 2. On filter navigation > System Definition > Tables 3. Create a new table, fill in the required fields, and Save. 4. Open the table record, add/create a new column, and submit: - Type: String- Column label: Any- Column name: Any- Max length: 3,000,000,000 Current Behavior: - The column/field is created without the label, and the size gets adjusted to 2,147,483,647 - The field is not editable anymore (you can edit Max length, but it is impossible to add the missing Column label). Explanation: * If you open the record, the Column label is empty: * You can fill the empty field and modify the Max length: * When you save/update, the Column label will still be empty: WorkaroundThere are two (2) available workarounds: 1. Delete and create the affected column again using the correct Max length. KB0685779 - Fields in ServiceNow accept string inputs greater than the sys_dictionary max_length value Small (40) = varchar(40)Medium (100) = varchar(100)Large (1000) = mediumtextExtra Large (4000) = mediumtext Similarly for INTEGER fields the maximum on the database level is 2,147,483,647The number 2,147,483,647 is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer in computing.,147,483,647 This is not the max number of characters to be stored. 2. Create a Business Rule to enforce the Max Length may not go over 2,147,483,647.Max length has been set to this maximum. => Attached sys_script_af846a011b57a9100650caa2604bcb8d.xmlRelated Problem: PRB1672137