No impact propagation in connected tag based servicesDescriptionWe have a use case where Tag based application service is connected to another tag-based application service. Here the impact is not propagated and thus the service is not shown as impacted.Steps to Reproduce Create a Linux server named linux17Go to cmdb_key_value table. Add new record: CI: linux17, key: host, value:linux17Create a new CSDM tag-based service named Vadim (aka inner service) with tag key: host, value:linux17. In the preview, you should see the linux17 record. Make it Operational.Create Critical event/alert on linux17 CI.View the impact map of Inner Service. It should show linux17 as red and the whole service should be red.Go to cmdb_key_value table. Add new record: CI: Vadim, key: service, value: VadimCreate a new CSDM tag-based service named outer service with key: service, value: Vadim. In the preview, you should see Vadim's record. Make it Operational.View the impact map of outer service. It should show the Vadim service as red, but actually, it shows it without any color and the whole outer service is green and it should be red since the Vadim service is red.WorkaroundThis issue is being addressed via PRB1668018.Related Problem: PRB1668018