[Agent Workspace] The Customer 360 component in language other than english does not display the VIP iconDescriptionBuild information:<Builds that are known to be affected (e.g. June 2011 Preview 2)> Tokyo and Utah<Builds that are known NOT to be affected (e.g. Calgary Patch 2, Hot fix 5)> San Diego<The Environment (e.g. Browser, Database, Server, sometimes OS)> WorkspaceIssue Description:Issue with the Customer360 component that we use in the Agent Workspace to display information about the Caller and the Affected user. The VIP icon works correctly if we have the instance language set to English, but it is not displayed if the instance language changes to anything other than english.Steps to Reproduce Prerequisite:Install any langauge plugin ex: Spanish STR:1)Navigate to the UX ribbon setting Now experience framework-->Configuration settings-->UX ribbon setting2)Create a new ribbon setting and fill in the details as below:Name: VIP on incidentRibbon component : Customer360Table: IncidentWorkspace : Agent workspaceSave it, the form will not get saved and the below details need to be entered:Ribbon Component Attributes:Primary user : CallerPrimary reference table: UserPrimary fields: VIP 3) Access any incident on the workspace with caller as VIP4) We see the VIP icon in the Ribbon5) Change the instance language to any other language other than english6)Open same record as in step 37) We see that the VIP icon disappears. Expected behavior:VIP icon should be shown despite change in language. Actual behavior: VIP icon not showing up after changing to any other language apart from englishWorkaroundThe issue has been fixed and would be available in Vancouver release. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix. Related Problem: PRB1662464