Internal Server error (500) error appears when do a global search in the Next Experience UIIssue Internal Server error (500) error appears when do a global search in the Next Experience UI.The following error is seen in the browser consoleDB exec engine call failed for pipelineId: searchcompositedatabroker_1{data: '{"result":[}]}]}"""error":{"message":"Transaction …ify REST request processing"},"status":"failure"}', status: 500, statusText: 'Internal Server Error', options: {…}, __uxfCompositionElId: 'dcd3e42dc7202010099a308dc7c26002'}data:"{\"result\":[}]}]}\"\"\"error\":{\"message\":\"Transaction cancelled: maximum execution time exceeded\",\"detail\":\"Transaction cancelled: maximum execution time exceeded Check logs for error trace or enable property to verify REST request processing\"},\"status\":\"failure\"}"options:[[Prototype]]:Objectstatus:500statusText:"Internal Server Error"__uxfCompositionElId:"dcd3e42dc7202010099a308dc7c26002"[[Prototype]]:Object ReleaseSan Diego and aboveCauseREST Batch API requests are getting timed-outResolution1) Go to System Definition -> Transaction Quota Rules2) Search for a quota rule Name "REST Batch API request timeout", and open the rule record3) Find the field REST Batch API request timeout and increase its value to 60 seconds and if the issue still persists we need to raise it to 120 seconds or 180 seconds or high, then Save the record.Related LinksBatch API