ATF Test Generator and Cloud Runner: sn_atf_tg.dw_ui is loaded on every pageDescriptionATF Test Generator and Cloud Runner: sn_atf_tg.dw_ui is loaded on every pageSteps to Reproduce Install ATF Test Generator and Cloud Runner <1.2Go to any page on the instance and notice that "sn_atf_tg.dw_ui" sys UI script is loaded.Expected: sys UI script is only loaded on ATF Test Generator and Cloud Runner pagesWorkaroundFor ATF Test Generator and Cloud Runner store app version<1.2, navigate to sys_ui_script and look for "sn_atf_tg.dw_ui" script.Update the UI type to "Desktop"Another Workaround would be to upgrade the store app to 1.2+.Related Problem: PRB1659299