Edge Encryption Proxy Upgrade can Fail due to Windows File and Folder PermissionsSummaryIt's been previously seen that on Windows hosts with certain security restrictions the Windows File and Folder permissions can prevent an Edge Encryption proxy from upgrading successfully. You might have this issue if you see lines similar to these in the upgrade log file, which is named dist-upgrade_<datetime of upgrade>.log (e.g dist-upgrade_20230403-115139914.log) 04/03/23 11:52:13 (797) FINE stdout: STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/04/03 11:52:13 | EDGEPROXY SERVICE NAME service installed.04/03/23 11:52:13 (797) FINE stderr: FINDSTR: Cannot open Files\EDGEPROXY1_443\bin\..\conf\wrapper.conf04/03/23 11:52:13 (797) FINE stdout: WARN | wrapperm | 2023/04/03 11:52:13 | Internally setting wrapper.syslog.loglevel=NONE to prevent further messages.04/03/23 11:52:13 (813) FINE stdout: STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/04/03 11:52:13 | Starting the EDGEPROXY SERVICE NAME service...04/03/23 11:52:13 (813) FINE stderr: The syntax of the command is incorrect.04/03/23 11:52:13 (813) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/04/03 11:52:13 |04/03/23 11:52:13 (813) FINE stderr: ERROR | wrapperm | 2023/04/03 11:52:13 | Unable to write to the EventLog due to: The parameter is incorrect. (0x57)04/03/23 11:52:13 (813) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/04/03 11:52:13 | --------------------------------------------------------------------04/03/23 11:52:13 (813) FINE stderr: ERROR | wrapperm | 2023/04/03 11:52:13 | Internally setting wrapper.syslog.loglevel=NONE to prevent further messages.03/21/23 15:24:00 (345) FINE stderr: ERROR | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | Unable to start the EDGEPROXY SERVICE NAME service - Access is denied. (0x5)03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | EDGEPROXY SERVICE NAME service installed.03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | Starting the EDGEPROXY SERVICE NAME service...03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 |03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | --------------------------------------------------------------------03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | Advice:03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | Usually when the Windows Service Manager does not have access to the Wrapper03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | binary, it is caused by a file permission problem preventing the user running03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | the Wrapper from accessing it. Please check the permissions on the file and03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | its parent directories.03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | Wrapper Binary : C:\ServiceNow\EDGEPROXY1_443\bin\wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe03/21/23 15:24:00 (350) FINE stdout: ADVICE | wrapperm | 2023/03/21 15:24:00 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- This might indicate that the permissions from the top-level folder (e.g C:\ServiceNow\EDGEPROXY1_443) are not propagating down to newly-created sub-folders and files. The Edge proxy upgrade process moves the existing sub-folders into a backup.dist-upgrade_timestamp folder and then creates new sub-folders under that top-level folder during the upgrade. On Windows hosts with certain security restrictions this can mean that the Edge proxy service (e.g EDGEPROXY SERVICE NAME) is unable to execute the .exe or .bat files under the bin/ folder after the upgrade. The workaround is to manually stop the upgrade process after the copy procedure is finished at the point where it shows the 'start service ?' prompt by entering ctrl+c. Then using Windows Explorer reset permissions on the folder(s) created by the upgrade by having them inherit down from the top folder. Ensure that these permissions permit the "Local Service" account to have the full permission on the bin/ folder. Then manually do the last step of the upgrade (starting the service) by running: bin\edgeencryption.bat start To ensure this doesn't occur check with your Windows systems admin to ensure that newly created folders under the top-level folder (e.g C:\ServiceNow\EDGEPROXY1_443) inherit full permissions automatically. Related LinksRefer: https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=t_UpdateEEProxyOnWindows.html&version=latest