Additional comments font and color of the text is changed in tokyo after upgradeSummaryThe font and color of the text of additional comments are different in Tokyo and Sandiego.Related LinksThe additional comment's text Font and text Color are changed in tokyo upgrade when compared with Sandiego.Open any case and check its additional commentsObserve the font and color of the text, it appears different than san DiageoFont color for Polaris theme is changed at base level 'css_includes_ng_polaris.cssx' in Tokyo version. This looks to be an intentional change to avoid passing a static color and instead apply color based on the color variables.In OOB San Diego, we can a see fixed color set for the text whereas in Tokyo the RGB call happens from different color variables. Please check the attached screenshots.In San .sn-widget-textblock {color: #455464;cursor: default;font: 12px "SourceSansPro", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Arial, sans-serif;line-height: 1.2;overflow: hidden;padding: 0; }In .sn-widget-textblock {color: RGB(var(--now-card-header_heading--secondary--color, var(--now-color_text--primary, var(--now-color--neutral-18, 21, 25, 32))));cursor: default;font-size: 12px;line-height: 1.2;overflow: hidden;padding: 0;}