When AI search is enabled the search source is hidden in the related list on the form layoutIssue When AI search is enabled the search source is hidden in the related list on the form layout: ReleaseAllCauseThis is expected behaviour. The Search Source-related list is hidden because of the out-of-box UI Policy: /sys_ui_policy.do?sys_id=e136557d0f22101064a25a6c8b767e1a&sysparm_record_rows=2&sysparm_view=advanced&sysparm_record_scope=global&sysparm_record_target=sys_ui_policy&sysparm_record_list=table%3Dsp_portal%5EORtableINsp_portal%2Csys_metadata%5EORDERBYorder&sysparm_nostack=true&sysparm_record_row=2&sysparm_view_forced=true The UI Policy script below checks if the AI search is enabled then it makes the Search Application mandatory and then hides the Service portal search source: function onCondition() { if (!g_scratchpad.isAisEnabled) return; g_form.setMandatory('search_application', true); g_form.hideRelatedList('m2m_sp_portal_search_source.sp_portal_list'); }