Slowness in "Update CI List" in Rate Card.DescriptionSlowness in "Update CI List" in Rate Card.Running Transaction for 500+ seconds then timing out.Steps to Reproduce Steps to Reproduce: 1. Impersonate a user with financial_mgmt_admin or financial_mgmt_user role2. In the Navigation Menu > CI Rate Cards3. Open any rate cards4. In the Related Links, click on 'Update CI List'5. Click 'Replace' button6. Observe it is Running Transaction for 500+ secondsWorkaroundAs part of the workaround replace lines 115 to 122 in the scriptinclude “FMUtils” with the below code. =============================================================================================================var queryItemSysIds = [];while ( {queryItemSysIds.push(queryItems.getUniqueValue());}while ( {//see if item is in condition result, if not remove itif (queryItemSysIds.indexOf(existingMtm.cmdb_ci) < 0) {itemsRemoved.push(existingMtm.cmdb_ci.getDisplayValue());this._debug("replaceCIRateCardItems deleting item: " + existingMtm.cmdb_ci.getDisplayValue() + " from " + rateCard.getDisplayValue());existingMtm.deleteRecord();}}============================================================================================================= After doing so please refer to attached code comparison screenshot. Related Problem: PRB1654320