When Filtering on a database view using a de-normalized field not all records are returnedIssue When Filtering on a database view using a de-normalized field not all records are returned. The database view will only show the number of records configured in the "show" settings of the list and not the actual records So if 20 records are configured to be show you will only see 20 records and the pagination will not be available for all records Steps to reproduce: 1) activate PPM Standard plugin2) create database view u_my_department_demandtable: dmn_demand order: 200 left join: true table: pm_project order: 200 left join: true where: prj_demand = dmn_sys_id 3) Confirm dmn_demand.collaborators field "array denormalized" is true in dictionary4) create demand records MORE THAN 20All records have department = financesome have watch_list or collaborators system administrator5) Navigate to dmn_demand and confirm more than 20 records6) NAVIGATE TO u_my_department_demand with the following filter and see all records are not returneddepartment is financeorwatch_list contains system administatororcollaborators contains system administrator Filter on dmn_demand (Working) Filter on database view ReleaseSan DiegoResolutionThe issue is fixed in Tokyo patch 7