The 'Edit' icon in 'Actions' column in Multi Row Variable Set is not displayed correctly when non-English language is selected after upgrade to Utah EADescriptionThe 'Edit' icon in 'Actions' column in multi-row variable set is not displayed correctly when non-English language is selected after upgrade to Utah EA.Steps to Reproduce 1.Create a catalog item with multi row value set 2.Switch to English 3.Open the catalog item which is created in step1 on portal4.Add new row for multi row value set==>'Edit' icon in 'Actions' column in MRVS is displayed correctly.5.Switch to Japanese6.Open the catalog item which is created in step1 on portal 7.Add new row for multi row value set==>'Edit' icon in 'Actions' column in MRVS is NOT displayed WorkaroundFor workaround, Create a UI Macro with the name 'sp_element_sc_multi_row' and copy paste the below given contents in the XML field. <div class="wrapper-md r-2x" ng-if="field.columns_meta.length > 0" ng-class="{'b': !c.isMEE}"> <sp-widget widget="c.activeRow" ng-if="c.activeRow"></sp-widget> <div ng-if="!field.readonly && !field.sys_readonly" ng-class="{'m-l m-b ': c.isMEE, 'form-group': !c.isMEE}" style="min-height:0px;"> <button type="button" title="{{::field.max_row_tooltip_msg}}" class="btn btn-primary m-r" ng-click="c.createRow()" ng-disabled="!c.canInsert()" id="{{::field.sys_id}}_add_row" aria-label="{{c.addButtonAriaLabel}}">${gs.getMessage('Add')}</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="c.clearValue()" ng-disabled="!c.canClearValue()" aria-label="{{c.removeAllButtonAriaLabel}}">${gs.getMessage('Remove All')}</button> </div> <div style="overflow-x: auto;"> <table class="table table-bordered table-striped" ng-class="{'m-b': c.isMEE, 'm-b-xs': !c.isMEE}" aria-describedby="id-caption-mrvs"> <caption id="id-caption-mrvs" class="sr-only">{{::field.label}}</caption> <thead> <tr> <th id="id-actions" scope="col" ng-if="!field.readonly && !field.sys_readonly" class="text-nowrap">${gs.getMessage('Actions')}</th> <th id="id-question-{{}}" scope="col" ng-repeat="col in ::field.columns_meta track by" class="text-nowrap">{{::col.label}}</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ng-if="field._value.length == 0 "> <td ng-if="!field._loadingData" class="text-center" colspan="{{::field.columns_meta.length + 1}}">${gs.getMessage('No data to display')}</td> </tr> <tr ng-if="field._loadingData"> <td class="text-center" ng-if="field._value.length == 0" colspan="{{::field.columns_meta.length + 1}}"> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-3x fa-fw" aria-hidden="true" title="${HTML:gs.getMessage('Updating value')}"></i> <span class="sr-only">${gs.getMessage('Updating value')}</span> </td> </tr> <tr ng-repeat="row_display_value in field._displayValue track by $index" ng-animate="{enter: 'animate-enter', leave: 'animate-leave'}" style="word-break: keep-all;"> <td headers="id-actions" ng-if="!field.readonly && !field.sys_readonly" ng-class="{ 'actions-mobile': {{ c.isMEE }} }"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="wrapper-xs fa fa-pencil" role="button" data-original-title="${HTML:gs.getMessage('Edit Row')}" aria-label="${HTML:gs.getMessage('Edit Row')} {{$index + 1}}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" ng-click="c.updateRow($index)" ng-class="{'btn disabled no-border' : c.disableMRVSActions}"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="wrapper-xs fa fa-close" role="button" data-original-title="${HTML:gs.getMessage('Remove Row')}" aria-label="${HTML:gs.getMessage('Remove Row')} {{$index + 1}}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" ng-click="c.deleteRow($index)" ng-class="{'btn disabled no-border' : c.disableMRVSActions}" id="remove-row-{{$index}}"></a> </td> <td headers="id-question-{{}}" ng-repeat="col in ::field.columns_meta track by" style="text-overflow: ellipsis;">{{c.getCellDisplayValue(row_display_value[], col.type)}}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> Note: Please make sure when the instance is upgraded with the next release, the above created UI Macro will be to deleted/deactivated in order for the new changes to be picked up.Related Problem: PRB1648445