Powershell Commands Contained Entirely in Powershell Variables Are Not Executed by the IntegrationHub Powershell StepSummarySome customers have seen unexpected results when attempting to pass an Integration Hub Powershell Step a variable which contains a command. For example if the 'runcommand' variable here contains a Powershell command such as 'ping -n 3 host.example.com', the output of this Powershell Step will be the string 'ping -n 3 host.example.com' instead of the result of running that command: ReleaseAll current Integration Hub releasesInstructionsInstead of passing the entire command in a variable we'd recommend only passing the arguments to the command in a variable. So in the example above you'd have a variable $cmdargs set to the string '-n 3 host.example.com' (without quotes) and put in the Powershell Step: ping $cmdargs However if there's a need to have the entire command inside a variable some customers have reported that using Invoke-Expression works, for example where $cmdtorun is 'ping -n 3 host.example.com': Invoke-Expression $cmdtorunRelated LinksCustomer Powershell Scripts are out of scope of our support, the above information is a suggestion only based on what has worked for some customers in past cases. For more detail on Invoke-Expression see Microsoft's documentation and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3592851/executing-a-command-stored-in-a-variable-from-powershell