Users were presented with error messages when navigating through pages which related to previously visited pages.DescriptionUsers were presented with error messages when navigating through pages which related to previously visited pages.Steps to Reproduce 1. Open the following link - https://<instance> 2. Open any incident from the list3. Clear the field "Caller"4. Save the form5. Notice that an error message will appear at the top of the screen5. Click on a different incident from the list on the left6. Click "Discard" Actual Behavior:The error message remains on the screen Expected Behavior:The error message will go away immediately after navigating to the new page This behavior can be seen in SP forms such as Incident form. The error messages do not go away after users navigated to new pages. Tested in San Diego patch 1.WorkaroundCurrently, there is no workaround available for this Problem.Related Problem: PRB1571539