Dark theme only working on theme selection pop up and not applied on the instanceIssue The dark theme applied on system is not working . Only visible difference after enabling dark mode is on the 'Theme Selection pop up' and profile image(if you have not applied any picture in it), the property glide.ui.polaris.dark_themes_enabled is 'true' in the system which has enable the themes button for dark mode.ReleaseSan Diego and upCauseThe system property 'glide.ui.polaris.core_ui_exclude_dark_mode' is not present or is not set.ResolutionThe system property 'glide.ui.polaris.core_ui_exclude_dark_mode' needs to be added the to instance and to be set to false.Add the 'glide.ui.polaris.core_ui_exclude_dark_mode' system property and set to false: 1. Navigate to the System Properties table [sys_properties]: /now/nav/ui/classic/params/target/sys_properties_list.do 2. Create a new record by clicking New (located a the top right). 3. Fill out the form with the following: Name: glide.ui.polaris.core_ui_exclude_dark_mode Type: true | false Value: false 4. Click Submit. 5. Refresh browser. 6. Perform cache flush by navigating the following link: /cache.do 7. Once cache has cleared, the Garbage Collection information will display. 8. Navigate back to your instance with the Next Experience present and change user preference to Dark Mode. 9. Navigate to any table (i.e. incident): /now/nav/ui/classic/params/target/incident_list.do 10. Observe that Dark theme has applied.Related Linkshttps://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/tokyo-platform-user-interface/page/administer/navigation-and-ui/concept/next-experience-theming.html