Unable to import custom application from your company's source control Issue Steps to reproduce: 1) Open Studio > Import from Source Control > Enter source control parameters as per documentation below https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=t_ImportAppFromSourceControl.html&version=latestResolutionSometimes, this issue occurs when the custom app is already installed on the instance and already has a sys_store_app entry for that app. The import will fail. To fix the issue 1) Convert the app to development mode as per the following documentation: https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=convert-installed-applications-to-development-mode.html&version=latest OR 2) Uninstall the app - An option for pre-Tokyo release After one of the two steps above is completed, you will be able to successfully import a custom app from source control **Please note that this is only for custom apps belonging to your company.