HR Lifecycle Activity failed to generateIssue HR Lifecycle Activity failed to generate HR activity under activity set was not created HR Future To Do missing Used Case scenario: Moved one Activity from Activity Set 1 to Activity Set 2. In this case, the Activity that was moved during the inflight of Activity Set 2 (activities not yet created) will be missing.CauseThe Activity was moved to another Activity Set while HR case is in progress or workflows for the case were In Flight. The Activity configuration was changed after HR case was submitted and before the HR activity was generated by the workflow. In general, configuration changes made to lifecycle event (LE) will only work for new cases and might impact existing cases in an unexpected way. This is because when an LE case is created, the workflow context is created and being run. So depending on which stage the workflow is in, the config changes made to the LE might or might not impact the existing LE cases.ResolutionGeneral advise: 1. Don't make LE config changes (e.g. changing trigger type of an activity set) directly in prod and expect existing/ongoing cases to work.2. If LE config changes are really needed in prod and there are existing/ongoing LE cases, get a clone of prod and test the existing LE cases to see if they have any issues. List out the issues and we can see how to resolve them.3. Cloning the LE type and creating new cases based on the new LE type could work but there's overhead/maintenance (e.g. you might need to update or create new HR service to point to this new LE type). Also, this will not help if you want the new config changes to be applied to the existing cases.Workaround: Error out the activity set context, reconfigure your activity on correct activity set, and resume the LE case. We tested this OOB and this should not create duplicate tasks and will create the missing activity. Please test this out in subprod thoroughly before promoting changes to prod.