User can save Flow in a different scoped application without prompt or warningsIssue When in the global scope, user can edit a Flow in a different scope and Flow created an update set 'Default' in that scopeThe warnings that appear on the rest of the platform did not appear and the platform did not prevent editing the applications in other scopes.This saved the changes in the default update set in the application scoped.Flow Designer randomly did not write to the Default update set in these conditions also.Cause1) Flow designer switches to the scope of the flow/action that you are working on and saves to the proper application of the flow. Opening up a flow in a different scope is like temporarily switching to that scope.Servicenow will not save an update into an update set with a different scope.If you don't have an update set in scope A, and then switch to scope A and save a metadata record, it will create a new Default update set in Scope A.If you already have update sets in scope A and you switch to Scope A it will select the update set in that scope that was most recently set as the current update set. You can see this behaviour by switching your application and looking at what update set is selected on the main nav page for service-now.2) Flow will use the current update set selected unless you try to work on a flow in a different scope. In that case it will go to the update set in that scope that was most recently the selected update set or create a Default update set if there is no update set yet for that scope.ResolutionWhen you open a record in the wrong scope it gives you the option to temporarily switch to that scope. If you want the same behaviour as a form, that is read only with an option to temporarily switch to that scope, then an enhancement request / Idea request can be made.