Passing forward slash "/" as parameter in the Scripted REST APISummaryIf you have a value with forward slash "/" e.g. "Parameter/With/Forward/Slashes", that needs to be passed as a parameter in the Scripted REST API, then you cannot just encode "/" as "%2F" and pass that in the URL: /api/path/Parameter%2FWith%2FForward%2FSlashes Instance will decode "%2F" as "/" and resulting API endpoint will be as follows: /api/path/Parameter/With/Forward/Slashes It will obviously respond with Bad Request (400) error with message "Requested URI does not represent any resource" Solution: You will need to double encode forward slash "/" as "%252F" and pass that as a parameter in the URL: /api/path/Parameter%252FWith%252FForward%252FSlashes Instance will decode the URL and translate it as: /api/path/Parameter%2FWith%2FForward%2FSlashes Now you can decode the parameter in your Scripted REST API as follows: var encoded_param = request.pathParams.{param}; // "Parameter%2FWith%2FForward%2FSlashes" var decoded_param = decodeURI(encoded_param); // "Parameter/With/Forward/Slashes"