citrix.proxy_vm property should not be set to retired CIsDescriptionThe 'SAM - Create Citrix Software Install' scheduled job may set a retired CI as "citrix.proxy_vm" property. This can generate more software installs on a retired device.Steps to Reproduce 1) Go to the 'sam_property' table and find the entry for 'citrix.proxy_vm'2) In the CMDB, create a retired CI only.3) Go to list of Scheduled jobs, find 'SAM - Create Citrix Software Installs' and click 'Execute now'.4) After job completes, 'citrix.proxy_vm' SAM property will have that retired CI.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. Subscribe to this Known Error article to receive notifications when more information will be available.Related Problem: PRB1642237