ML Predictor Results [ml_predictor_results] table is not being populated with predictions. How can I insert records into this table for predictions on my solutions when not using a Before Insert Business Rule to populate fields with predicted values?SummaryWhen you use the Predictive Intelligence framework, you have to create the script or Business Rule to make make predictions using the methods provided in the MLPredictor API. However, our documentation only covers the method to apply the prediction on the record, which will save the predicted value on the record, and create a record in table [ml_predictor_results] to track the performance of the predictions to see how well the Classification solution performs. However, some implementations have the requirement not to save the predicted values on the record, but still to create a record in table [ml_predictor_results] to track the performance of the predictions.InstructionsIn our MLPredictor API documentation, when you use the applyPrediction method, it will populate the predicted value on the record if the confidence level is above the threshold and insert the prediction result into table [ml_predictor_results]. This is the only documented way to insert the prediction results into table [ml_predictor_results]. /* The next line of code does the prediction, updates the current record and will record the prediction outcome on a solution into table [ml_predictor_results]. */predictor.applyPredictionForSolution(current, solution); If you do not want to apply the predicted values to the record, and you only display the predictions to the end user, you can use the alternative method "sn_ml.SolutionStats.recordPredictValues(outcome, solution);" to insert the record into the [ml_predictor_results] table for the prediction made on each solution with applying the predicted on the record. /* The next line of code will record the prediction outcome on a solution into table [ml_predictor_results]. */sn_ml.SolutionStats.recordPredictValues(outcome, solution);Related LinksThe MLPredictor API has been deprecated and is intended to be removed in a future release. Refer to Using ML APIs for the most recent guidelines.