Polaris: Toggle Domain Scope + Reload Form does NOT work when opening form in new Polaris urlIssue When toggling the domain scope in the Next Experience (Polaris) UI, it is not resulting in field data being displayed that should be. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create a "Parent" domain as TOP/Parent2. Create a Company (core_company) named "Parent Company" that is in the "TOP/Parent" domain3. Create a Group (sys_user_group) named "Parent Group" who's company is "Parent Company"4. Create a User (sys_user) id "parent.user" who's company is "Parent Company"5. Add "parent.user" user to "Parent Group".6. Grant "domain_expand_scope" and "itil" roles to "parent.user" user.7. Create a "Child" domain as TOP/Parent/Child8. Create a Company (core_company) named "Child Company" that is in the "TOP/Parent/Child" domain9. Create a Group (sys_user_group) named "Child Group" who's company is "Child Company"10. Create a User (sys_user) id "child.user" who's company is "Child Company"11. Add "child.user" user to "Child Group".12. Grant "itil" role to "child.user" user.13. Create a new incident record.14. Set incident record domain to TOP/Parent/Child domain by setting Caller field to "child.user".15. Set assignment_group to "Parent Group".16. Set assignment_to to "parent.user".17. Impersonate "parent.user" (who is in Parent domain)18. Using the UI16 user interface, navigate to the newly created incident record. You will see the 'Assignment Group' and 'Assigned to' fields being empty.19. Via the form context menu, click 'Toggle Domain Scope', then reload the form. You will then see the 'Assignment Group' and 'Assigned to' fields displaying their set values, 'Parent Group' and 'Parent User' respectively.20. Make sure "glide.ui.polaris.experience" sys_properties value is "true" and enable the Next Experience user interface.21. Navigate to the same incident record.22. Again, you will see the 'Assignment Group' and 'Assigned to' fields being empty.23. Via the form context menu, click 'Toggle Domain Scope', then reload the form. Expected behaviour: You will then see the 'Assignment Group' and 'Assigned to' fields displaying their set values, 'Parent Group' and 'Parent User' respectively.Actual behaviour: The fields do not display the expected values.ReleaseTokyoCauseProblem PRB1576627ResolutionThis is fixed in the Utah release.