"Save as new template" on project form is not copying the project fields and related project tasksDescriptionSave as new template is not working. It is creating template without copying project fields and related project tasks.CauseRecord in table project_template_config(Project Template configuration) for record pm_project is customized. /project_template_config.do?sys_id=76c8d572c3122100b0449f2974d3aef1&sysparm_view=&sysparm_domain=null&sysparm_domain_scope=null&sysparm_record_row=2&sysparm_record_rows=3&sysparm_record_list=ORDERBYorder In OOB (out of box), the pm_project entry in project_template_config table don't have any 'Parent table' and 'Link element' configured. It is set to NONE by default.ResolutionAfter removing the custom values from the field 'Parent table' and 'Link element' and setting it to 'None' has resolved the issue.